Intervención psicosocial para la reinserción de los privados de la libertad en Barranquilla/Colombia
De La Hoz Guevara, María Alejandra
De La Hoz Serje, Valeria
Serpa Otero, María Angélica
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Se expone diversas situaciones precarias en la reinserción social en Barranquilla/Colombia; a lo largo de los años ha tenido un avance limitado en donde se observa la preocupante reincidencia de actos delictivos en la población de personas privadas de la libertad y la necesidad de programas especializados al acompañamiento de estos durante y después de cumplir la condena. Hoy en día se ha abierto un debate sobre el rol de las instituciones carcelarias como centros de resocialización, otorgando la importancia necesaria que requieren los programas implementados y ofrecidos en los establecimientos. Sin embargo, se presentan factores de riesgo pos-pena los cuales no se han tenido en cuenta al momento de gestionar un seguimiento como lo es la educación, las oportunidades laborales y las escasas ofertas de acompañamiento psicológico, entre otros. Este ensayo se realiza basado en investigaciones de artículos, proyectos propuestos, leyes dispuestas por el gobierno nacional y experiencias derivadas de ex convictos y guardias de las instituciones carcelarias, desde un enfoque experimental, busca rescatar las experiencias y conocimientos de las partes, implementando como técnicas de recolección de información, las entrevistas semiestructuradas. Esta técnica fue aplicada de manera presencial y virtual. Los resultados arrojan una caracterización de los establecimientos a partir de dos miradas, el sector de los ex convicto y el sector de los guardas y de acuerdo a las condiciones de las cárceles, oportunidades pos pena, posibilidades del ambiente y particularidades de cada proceso se evalúa la forma como se presenta la potencialidad para disminuir la reinserción de los delitos cometidos.
Various precarious situations in the social reinsertion in Barranquilla/Colombia are exposed; Over the years, limited progress has been made in which the worrying recidivism of criminal acts in the population of persons deprived of their liberty is observed, and the need for specialized programs to monitor them during and after serving their sentence. Nowadays, a debate has been opened on the role of prison institutions as centers of resocialization, granting the necessary importance required by the programs implemented and offered in the establishments. However, there are post-sentence risk factors which have not been taken into account when managing follow-up, such as education, job opportunities and the few offers of psychological support, among others. The project is carried out based on investigations of articles, proposed projects, laws established by the national government and experiences derived from ex-convict+ and guards of prison institutions, from an experimental approach, seeks to rescue the experiences and knowledge of the parties, implementing as techniques information gathering, semi-structured interviews. This technique was applied in person and virtually. The results show a characterization of the establishments from two perspectives, the sector of the ex-convicts and the sector of the guards and according to the conditions of the prisons, post-sentence opportunities, possibilities of the environment and particularities of each process is evaluated. the way in which the potential to reduce the reintegration of the crimes committed is presented.
Various precarious situations in the social reinsertion in Barranquilla/Colombia are exposed; Over the years, limited progress has been made in which the worrying recidivism of criminal acts in the population of persons deprived of their liberty is observed, and the need for specialized programs to monitor them during and after serving their sentence. Nowadays, a debate has been opened on the role of prison institutions as centers of resocialization, granting the necessary importance required by the programs implemented and offered in the establishments. However, there are post-sentence risk factors which have not been taken into account when managing follow-up, such as education, job opportunities and the few offers of psychological support, among others. The project is carried out based on investigations of articles, proposed projects, laws established by the national government and experiences derived from ex-convict+ and guards of prison institutions, from an experimental approach, seeks to rescue the experiences and knowledge of the parties, implementing as techniques information gathering, semi-structured interviews. This technique was applied in person and virtually. The results show a characterization of the establishments from two perspectives, the sector of the ex-convicts and the sector of the guards and according to the conditions of the prisons, post-sentence opportunities, possibilities of the environment and particularities of each process is evaluated. the way in which the potential to reduce the reintegration of the crimes committed is presented.
Palabras clave
Reinserción social, Programas de resocialización, Reincidencia, Manejo de emociones, Proyecto de vida, Social reinsertion, Resocialization programs, Recidivism, Emotion management, Life Project