Evaluación de percepción de la cultura de seguridad del paciente en el personal de enfermería en el Departamento del Atlántico y la Guajira - Colombia
De la Hoz Del Villar, Lorena
Castilla Martínez, Yeimys
Daza Mengual, Wilonka
Freyle Rosado, Keylin
Hidalgo Pino, Laura
Mercado Guzmán, Jazmín
Moreno Arteta, Jessica
Pacheco García, David
Rojas Bolívar, Dayana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción de la cultura de seguridad del paciente del personal
de enfermería de clínicas Públicas y privadas del Departamento del Atlántico y la
Materiales y Métodos: El estudio se abordó desde el paradigma empírico –
analítico mediante el método deductivo, el cual permitió abordar la realidad de la
cultura de seguridad del recurso humano de enfermería durante un periodo
determinado; de tipo descriptivo y corte transversal porque se recolectó la
información en una unidad de tiempo definida y se plantearon las características
obtenidas como fueron descritas por la fuente. La población se conformó por el
personal de enfermería de instituciones de salud del departamento del Atlántico y
La Guajira. Logrando una muestra de 206 sujetos, que fueron abordados a través
de una encuesta realizada de manera virtual por Google drive enviada a las
enfermeras por correos electrónicos y la aplicación WhatsApp.
Resultados: Se encontró que la cultura de seguridad de enfermería se establece
con acciones sencillas y cotidianas de la vida que ayudar a mitigar los riesgos para
proteger la vida del paciente.
Conclusiones: La percepción global baja sobre seguridad del paciente indica la
necesidad de incrementar acciones institucionales para mejorarla. Los resultados
sobre la percepción global de seguridad, la respuesta no punitiva al error y la
asignación de personal, las comunicaciones libres deben tomarse con acciones a
mejorar para brindar atención segura.
Objectives: To evaluate the perception of the patient safety culture of nurses at public and private clinics in the Atlantico and Guajira Department. Materials and Methods: The study was approached from the empirical – analytical paradigm using the deductive method, which allowed to address the reality of the safety culture of the human nursing resource during a given period; descriptive type and cross-section because the information was collected in a defined unit of time and the characteristics obtained as described by the source were raised. The population consisted of nursing personnel from health institutions in the Atlantic department and La Guajira. Achieving a sample of 206 subjects, they were approached through a survey conducted virtually by Google drive sent to nurses by emails and the WhatsApp Results: Nursing safety culture was found to be established with simple, everyday life actions that help mitigate risks to protect a patient's life. Conclusions: The low overall perception of patient safety indicates the need to increase institutional actions to improve it. Results on global security perception, non-punitive response to error and staff assignment, free communications should be taken with actions to be improved to provide safe care.
Objectives: To evaluate the perception of the patient safety culture of nurses at public and private clinics in the Atlantico and Guajira Department. Materials and Methods: The study was approached from the empirical – analytical paradigm using the deductive method, which allowed to address the reality of the safety culture of the human nursing resource during a given period; descriptive type and cross-section because the information was collected in a defined unit of time and the characteristics obtained as described by the source were raised. The population consisted of nursing personnel from health institutions in the Atlantic department and La Guajira. Achieving a sample of 206 subjects, they were approached through a survey conducted virtually by Google drive sent to nurses by emails and the WhatsApp Results: Nursing safety culture was found to be established with simple, everyday life actions that help mitigate risks to protect a patient's life. Conclusions: The low overall perception of patient safety indicates the need to increase institutional actions to improve it. Results on global security perception, non-punitive response to error and staff assignment, free communications should be taken with actions to be improved to provide safe care.
Palabras clave
Enfermería, Percepción, Calidad de la atención, Seguridad del paciente, Nursing, Perception, Quality of care, Patient safety