La resiliencia social en el deporte social comunitario como herramienta de desarrollo humano en jóvenes en condiciones de vulnerabilidad de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Fontalvo Ariza, Mishell
Ortega De Ávila, Elizabeth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Latinoamérica, y toda la población que la conforma, en las últimas décadas se ha visto afectada por innumerables situaciones que vulneran las posibilidades del desarrollo humano de los individuos que habitan este país. Situaciones o factores que han sido originados, en gran medida por la exclusión social generada por los procesos de globalización neoliberal y la corrupción política que han provocado una crisis histórica del Estado, que revela su incapacidad de generar oportunidades para el conjunto de la población, en lo relacionado con la educación, la salud, empleo digno, entre otros. La crisis económica generada por la pandemia a nivel mundial profundizó las problemáticas existentes, incrementando la pobreza de los hogares latinoamericanos, tanto aquellos históricamente vulnerables, como los que se encontraban en riesgo de vulnerabilidad social. Por esa razón, surge la necesidad de hacer el presente estudio, con el fin de tener una noción más amplia y un análisis critico frente a dicha situación.
Latin America, and the entire population that makes it up, in recent decades has been affected by innumerable situations that undermine the possibilities of human development of the individuals who inhabit this country. Situations or factors that have been originated, to a large extent by the social exclusion generated by the processes of neoliberal globalization and political corruption that have caused a historical crisis of the State, which reveals its inability to generate opportunities for the population, in everything related to education, health, decent employment, among others. The global economic crisis generated by the pandemic deepened the existing problems, increasing the poverty of Latin American households, both those historically vulnerable and those at risk of social vulnerability. For this reason, the need arises to carry out the present study, to have a broader notion and a critical analysis of this situation.
Latin America, and the entire population that makes it up, in recent decades has been affected by innumerable situations that undermine the possibilities of human development of the individuals who inhabit this country. Situations or factors that have been originated, to a large extent by the social exclusion generated by the processes of neoliberal globalization and political corruption that have caused a historical crisis of the State, which reveals its inability to generate opportunities for the population, in everything related to education, health, decent employment, among others. The global economic crisis generated by the pandemic deepened the existing problems, increasing the poverty of Latin American households, both those historically vulnerable and those at risk of social vulnerability. For this reason, the need arises to carry out the present study, to have a broader notion and a critical analysis of this situation.
Palabras clave
Resiliencia, Deporte social comunitario, Resiliencia social, Desarrollo humano, Resilience, Community social sport, Social resilience, Human development