Estrategias financieras de las Pymes Barranquilleras del sector alimenticio aplicadas a los mercados internacionales
Molina Carbonell, Luis Alberto
Rodríguez Herrera, Roxana Vanessa
Viviescas Cepeda, Guissel María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Las pymes conforman un elemento esencial dentro de la economía de cada país
ya que representa la fuerza del potencial económico de las mismas, pero actualmente esta
fuerza se ha visto truncada y en desventaja frente a las grandes empresas en el proceso
de inserción a mercados internacionales debido a su gran diferencia en el apoyo
financiero que reciben, por lo anterior, hemos decidido como campo de estudio las pymes
del sector industrial manufacturero de alimentos en la ciudad de Barranquilla, puesto que
el departamento del Atlántico se ha caracterizado por su tendencia a la exportación. Sin
embargo, se ha notado que las pymes poco realizan ese proceso de internacionalización,
y por ello, se decide incursionar en el área financiera, con el fin de saber cuáles son esos
factores financieros que obstaculizan a estas pymes a ser parte del mercado internacional
y así poder describir estrategias financieras que puedan asumir las pymes de este sector
para acceder a los mercados internacionales. Para la investigación fue desarrollado un
modelo evaluativo-propositivo con una muestra de 30 empresas aplicando la técnica de
SMEs are an essential element in the economy of each country as it represents the strength of the economic potential of the same, but currently this force has been truncated and disadvantaged compared to large companies in the process of insertion into international markets due to its great difference in the financial support they receive, therefore, we have decided as a field of study SMEs in the industrial food manufacturing sector in the city of Barranquilla, since the department of Atlántico has been characterized by its tendency to export. However, it has been noticed that the SMEs do little in this internationalization process, and therefore, it was decided to venture into the financial area, in order to know what are those financial factors that hinder these SMEs to be part of the international market and thus be able to describe financial strategies that can assume the SMEs in this sector to access international markets. For the research, an evaluative-propositive model was developed with a sample of 30 companies using the survey technique.
SMEs are an essential element in the economy of each country as it represents the strength of the economic potential of the same, but currently this force has been truncated and disadvantaged compared to large companies in the process of insertion into international markets due to its great difference in the financial support they receive, therefore, we have decided as a field of study SMEs in the industrial food manufacturing sector in the city of Barranquilla, since the department of Atlántico has been characterized by its tendency to export. However, it has been noticed that the SMEs do little in this internationalization process, and therefore, it was decided to venture into the financial area, in order to know what are those financial factors that hinder these SMEs to be part of the international market and thus be able to describe financial strategies that can assume the SMEs in this sector to access international markets. For the research, an evaluative-propositive model was developed with a sample of 30 companies using the survey technique.
Palabras clave
Pymes, Estrategias financieras, Internacionalización, Factores financieros, SMEs, Financial strategies, Internationalization, Financial factors