Vulneración de los derechos de los discapacitados en materia laboral
Labastidas Silva, Juan Pablo
Becerra, María José de la Cruz
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Actualmente el manejo de las políticas públicas en torno a las personas en condición de discapacidad se sujeta a condiciones normativas de carácter internacional y nacional donde destaca que deben tener un trato especial en cualquier trámite que realice, al igual que lo laboral y educativo; también se le debe de garantizar todas las condiciones viables para poder transitar libremente en los espacios públicos. Sin embargo, en el contexto real existen muchas falencias y deficiencias de las directrices emanadas, porque hay limitación desde lo peatonal, al igual que vulnerabilidad en lo laboral y educativo porque muchas veces por méritos, conocimientos pueden aspirar a una vacante o cupo en los establecimientos públicos y privados donde se le impide o evita que pase a ocupar la solicitud que ha diligenciado con muchos sentido de pertenencia. Al mismo tiempo, las políticas públicas constituyen una acción que todos deben valorar y respetar para evitar discriminar al colectivo de personas en situación de limitación física. Por eso, el interés del presente artículo es la revisión de las políticas públicas aplicadas a la personas en condición de discapacidad para darle mayor participación en todas las actividades cotidianas que cualquier persona puede desarrollar a diarios, sin que exista alguna clase de negación.
Currently, the management of public policies around persons with disabilities is subject to international and national regulatory conditions where it is emphasized that they must have special treatment in any procedure they carry out, as well as labor and education; You must also guarantee all viable conditions to be able to move freely in public spaces. However, in the real context there are many shortcomings and deficiencies of the guidelines issued, because there is limitation from the pedestrian, as well as vulnerability in labor and education because many times due to merits, knowledge can aspire to a vacancy or quota in the establishments public and private where it is prevented or prevented from going to occupy the application that has filled with many sense of belonging. At the same time, public policies constitute an action that everyone should value and respect to avoid discriminating against the group of people in situations of physical limitation. Therefore, the interest of this article is the review of public policies applied to people with disabilities to give them greater participation in all daily activities that anyone can develop daily, without any kind of denial.
Currently, the management of public policies around persons with disabilities is subject to international and national regulatory conditions where it is emphasized that they must have special treatment in any procedure they carry out, as well as labor and education; You must also guarantee all viable conditions to be able to move freely in public spaces. However, in the real context there are many shortcomings and deficiencies of the guidelines issued, because there is limitation from the pedestrian, as well as vulnerability in labor and education because many times due to merits, knowledge can aspire to a vacancy or quota in the establishments public and private where it is prevented or prevented from going to occupy the application that has filled with many sense of belonging. At the same time, public policies constitute an action that everyone should value and respect to avoid discriminating against the group of people in situations of physical limitation. Therefore, the interest of this article is the review of public policies applied to people with disabilities to give them greater participation in all daily activities that anyone can develop daily, without any kind of denial.
Palabras clave
Condición de discapacidad, Discriminación, Vulneración de los derechos, Políticas públicas, Disability condition, Discrimination, Violation of rights, Public policies