Análisis de los factores que determinan la competitividad en Cúcuta y su área metropolitana 2020-2021
Moncada Uscategui, Luis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El fenómeno de la competitividad ha sido una constante a partir del año 2000 en los países en vía de
desarrollo, y Cúcuta y su área metropolitana no son ajenos a esta condición. Tan es así, que durante años
se ha documentado en cifras y estudios este fenómeno, que ha motivado a la preocupación en cuanto a
magnitud y datos porcentuales. La competitividad surge como una alternativa a la constante globalización
a la cual se ven enfrentadas las regiones y empresas, debido a la introducción de nuevas tecnologías,
innovaciones y comunicaciones; este fenómeno se resalta en Cúcuta y su Área Metropolitana, debido a que
se ha destacado por los bajos índices de competitividad a nivel nacional. El presente ensayo tiene como
objetivo analizar los factores que determinan la competitividad en Cúcuta y su Área Metropolitana 2020-
2021; se usa la metodología de enfoque cuantitativo y el paradigma positivista, asimismo, el diseño
descriptivo permite un análisis a través de estadísticas simples y conceptos establecidos por ciertos autores.
Los resultados sugieren que es necesario estudiar a fondo (cuantitativa y cualitativamente) cada uno de los
factores que determinan la competitividad para suplir de alguna forma las afectaciones que la región pueda
The phenomenon of competitiveness has been a constant since the year 2000 in developing countries, and Cúcuta and its metropolitan area are no strangers to this condition. So much so, that for years this phenomenon has been documented in figures and studies, which has caused concern in terms of magnitude and percentage data. Competitiveness emerges as an alternative to the constant globalization that regions and companies face due to the introduction of new technologies, innovations and communications; this phenomenon is highlighted in Cúcuta and its Metropolitan Area, due to the fact that it has been highlighted by the low levels of competitiveness at the national level. This essay aims to analyze the factors that determine competitiveness in Cúcuta and its Metropolitan Area 2020-2021; the quantitative approach methodology and the positivist paradigm are used, likewise, the descriptive design allows an analysis through simple statistics and concepts established by certain authors. The results suggest that it is necessary to study in depth (quantitatively and qualitatively) each one of the factors that determine competitiveness to compensate in some way for the effects that the region may have.
The phenomenon of competitiveness has been a constant since the year 2000 in developing countries, and Cúcuta and its metropolitan area are no strangers to this condition. So much so, that for years this phenomenon has been documented in figures and studies, which has caused concern in terms of magnitude and percentage data. Competitiveness emerges as an alternative to the constant globalization that regions and companies face due to the introduction of new technologies, innovations and communications; this phenomenon is highlighted in Cúcuta and its Metropolitan Area, due to the fact that it has been highlighted by the low levels of competitiveness at the national level. This essay aims to analyze the factors that determine competitiveness in Cúcuta and its Metropolitan Area 2020-2021; the quantitative approach methodology and the positivist paradigm are used, likewise, the descriptive design allows an analysis through simple statistics and concepts established by certain authors. The results suggest that it is necessary to study in depth (quantitatively and qualitatively) each one of the factors that determine competitiveness to compensate in some way for the effects that the region may have.
Palabras clave
Competitividad, Innovación, Productividad, Competitiveness, Innovation, Productivity