Intervención desde el modelo cognitivo conductual en un paciente con trastorno personalidad obsesiva compulsiva en comorbilidad con trastorno depresivo persistente, agorafobia y ansiedad generalizada: un estudio de caso
Castro Altahona , Loraine Andrea
Javela Suarez, Luisa María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El Trastorno de Personalidad Obsesiva Compulsiva (TPOC), es uno de los
problemas mentales más recurrentes que suele aparecer al final de la adolescencia o al
principio de la edad adulta, se caracteriza por una intensa obsesión por la perfección, un
fuerte sentido del orden y una rígida necesidad de control. Al ser un trastorno de
personalidad puede presentarse en comorbilidad con otros problemas de salud mental y
afecta la calidad de vida de las personas. El presente estudio de caso tuvo como objetivo
describir el proceso de intervención desde el modelo cognitivo conductual en un paciente
con un diagnóstico principal con este trastorno en comorbilidad con ansiedad
generalizada, agorafobia y distimia. Se desarrollaron 10 sesiones, comprendidas por la
recopilación de información e historia clínica, el proceso de evaluación clínica, el diseño,
y ejecución del plan de intervención utilizando técnicas cognitivas y conductuales y
análisis de resultados a la luz de la literatura científica. Fueron aplicados los inventarios
de depresión y ansiedad de Beck, el cuestionario de esquemas maladaptativos tempranos
(YSQL-2) y el inventario de agorafobia. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se logró
evidenciar flexibilización cognitiva y aceptación del diagnóstico de personalidad,
disminución en la intensidad y frecuencia de los síntomas ansiosos mejorando su calidad
de vida, estabilidad en el estado de ánimo y toma conciencia de sus pensamientos
automáticos y cómo estos se relacionan con su forma de sentir y actuar. Se pretende que
los resultados aquí expuestos puedan ser guía y ejemplo para intervenir en la práctica
clínica de casos similares. Así mismo, es importante continuar trabajando en la
evaluación, intervención, promoción de salud mental y prevención del desarrollo de
trastornos personalidad. Además, estos resultados evidencian como desde el modelo
cognitivo comportamental se puede aportar a tener prácticas de intervención basadas en la
evidencia y corroborar la efectividad de este
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is one of the most recurrent mental problems that usually appears at the end of adolescence or early adulthood, characterized by an intense obsession for perfection, a strong sense of order and a rigid need for control. Being a personality disorder, it can occur in comorbidity with other mental health problems and affects the quality of life of individuals. The aim of this case study was to describe the intervention process from the cognitive-behavioral model in a patient with a principal diagnosis of this disorder in comorbidity with generalized anxiety,agoraphobia and dysthymia. Ten sessions were developed, comprising the collection of information and clinical history, the clinical assessment process, the design and executionof the intervention plan using cognitive and behavioral techniques and analysis of results in the light of the scientific literature. The Beck depression and anxiety inventories, the early maladaptive schemas questionnaire (YSQL-2) and the agoraphobia inventory were applied. Among the results obtained, there was evidence of cognitive flexibility and acceptance of the personality diagnosis, a decrease in the intensity and frequency of anxious symptoms improving their quality of life, stability in their mood and awareness oftheir automatic thoughts and how these relate to their way of feeling and acting. It is intended that the results presented here can be a guide and example to intervene in the clinical practice of similar cases. Likewise, it is important to continue working in the evaluation, intervention, promotion of mental health and prevention of the development of personality disorders. In addition, these results show how the cognitive-behavioral model can contribute to evidence-based intervention practices and corroborate its effectiveness.
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is one of the most recurrent mental problems that usually appears at the end of adolescence or early adulthood, characterized by an intense obsession for perfection, a strong sense of order and a rigid need for control. Being a personality disorder, it can occur in comorbidity with other mental health problems and affects the quality of life of individuals. The aim of this case study was to describe the intervention process from the cognitive-behavioral model in a patient with a principal diagnosis of this disorder in comorbidity with generalized anxiety,agoraphobia and dysthymia. Ten sessions were developed, comprising the collection of information and clinical history, the clinical assessment process, the design and executionof the intervention plan using cognitive and behavioral techniques and analysis of results in the light of the scientific literature. The Beck depression and anxiety inventories, the early maladaptive schemas questionnaire (YSQL-2) and the agoraphobia inventory were applied. Among the results obtained, there was evidence of cognitive flexibility and acceptance of the personality diagnosis, a decrease in the intensity and frequency of anxious symptoms improving their quality of life, stability in their mood and awareness oftheir automatic thoughts and how these relate to their way of feeling and acting. It is intended that the results presented here can be a guide and example to intervene in the clinical practice of similar cases. Likewise, it is important to continue working in the evaluation, intervention, promotion of mental health and prevention of the development of personality disorders. In addition, these results show how the cognitive-behavioral model can contribute to evidence-based intervention practices and corroborate its effectiveness.
Palabras clave
Personalidad , Obsesivo compulsivo, Comorbilidad, Agorafobia, Ansiedad, Distimia, Intervención, Adulto joven