Códigos de barra genéticos en especies arbóreas del bosque seco tropical de la Costa Caribe colombiana
Escorcia Lindo, Katherine Paola
Rodríguez Cuesta, Giovanna María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Introducción. Los bosques secos tropicales, cubren grandes áreas en Centro y Suramérica. Este ecosistema se caracteriza por presentar estaciones prolongadas de sequía, con bajas precipitaciones, dando como resultado una biodiversidad característica de plantas, animales y microorganismos adaptados a condiciones de estrés hídrico. Inicialmente en Colombia los BST ocupaban unos 9 millones de hectáreas; sin embargo, solo se conserva el 8%. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el código de barras genéticos de dos especies arbóreas del BST del Caribe colombiano. Materiales y Métodos. Se determinó mediante revisión bibliográfica las especies prioritarias para la conservación en la región. Luego, se realizaron colectas en diferentes poblaciones de Pseudobombax septenatum y Aspidosperma polyneuron. A partir del material vegetal se hicieron extracciones de DNA y PCRs de marcadores genéticos. Luego se seleccionaron los marcadores con mejor rendimiento y calidad, y se secuenciaron por método Sanger. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis bioinformático con las secuencias obtenidas y se construyó el código de barras. Resultados. Se estandarizó el protocolo de extracción y se ajustaron las condiciones de reacción de PCR para cada marcador. Los mejores marcadores fueron rbcL, psbB-psbF y rpl20r-rp12f. Se obtuvieron secuencias informativas y código de barras del gen marcador rbcL para P. septenatum. Conclusión. El BST está ampliamente distribuido en el departamento del Atlántico, pero ha sido notablemente destruido. Los códigos de barra de especies, permiten identificar y monitorear las poblaciones con fines de conservación, y facilitan el estudio de las relaciones ecológicas y el desarrollo de productos y servicios.
Introduction. Tropical dry forests cover large areas in Central and South America. This ecosystem is characterized by prolonged drought seasons, with low rainfall, resulting in a characteristic biodiversity of plants, animals and microorganisms adapted to water stress conditions. Initially in Colombia the BST occupied about 9 million hectares; however, only 8% is retained. The objective of this work is to determine the genetic bar code of two tree species of the Colombian Caribbean BST. Materials and methods. Priority conservation species in the region were determined by literature review. Then, collections were made in different populations of Pseudobombax septenatum and Aspidosperma polyneuron. From the plant material DNA extractions and PCRs of genetic markers were made. The markers with better performance and quality were then selected and sequenced by the Sanger method. Finally, a bioinformatic analysis was performed with the sequences obtained and the bar code was constructed. Results. The extraction protocol was standardized and the PCR reaction conditions were adjusted for each marker. The best markers were rbcL, psbB-psbF and rpl20r-rp12f. Informational sequences and barcode were obtained from the rbcL marker gene for P. septenatum. Conclusion. The BST is widely distributed in the department of the Atlantic; it has been remarkably destroyed. The species bar codes allow the identification and monitoring of populations for conservation purposes and it facilitate the study of ecological relationships and the development of products and services.
Introduction. Tropical dry forests cover large areas in Central and South America. This ecosystem is characterized by prolonged drought seasons, with low rainfall, resulting in a characteristic biodiversity of plants, animals and microorganisms adapted to water stress conditions. Initially in Colombia the BST occupied about 9 million hectares; however, only 8% is retained. The objective of this work is to determine the genetic bar code of two tree species of the Colombian Caribbean BST. Materials and methods. Priority conservation species in the region were determined by literature review. Then, collections were made in different populations of Pseudobombax septenatum and Aspidosperma polyneuron. From the plant material DNA extractions and PCRs of genetic markers were made. The markers with better performance and quality were then selected and sequenced by the Sanger method. Finally, a bioinformatic analysis was performed with the sequences obtained and the bar code was constructed. Results. The extraction protocol was standardized and the PCR reaction conditions were adjusted for each marker. The best markers were rbcL, psbB-psbF and rpl20r-rp12f. Informational sequences and barcode were obtained from the rbcL marker gene for P. septenatum. Conclusion. The BST is widely distributed in the department of the Atlantic; it has been remarkably destroyed. The species bar codes allow the identification and monitoring of populations for conservation purposes and it facilitate the study of ecological relationships and the development of products and services.
Palabras clave
Biodiversidad, Marcadores moleculares, PCR, Biodiversity, Molecular markers