Buenas prácticas de educación inclusiva en niños con discapacidad en básica primaria del departamento del Atlántico como referente para la innovación educativa
Parra Mercado, Elsy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación analiza experiencias significativas de buenas prácticas de inclusión educativa con niños con discapacidad, en educación primaria en el Departamento del Atlántico y que sirvan de referente para la innovación educativa y para la creación de una red de apoyo de inclusión educativa. Es un estudio de tipo mixto o multimodo atendiendo a la complejidad del fenómeno que requiere procesos sistemáticos y críticos de investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa para la integración y discusión conjunta de los datos o resultados encontrados. El tipo de diseño a utilizar es el anidado concurrente de varios niveles en el que se realizará un trabajo de campo exhaustivo con participación de la comunidad educativa con varios niveles de análisis y fundamentado en la teoría existente. Se construyeron y aplicaron 3 instrumentos para identificar buenas prácticas de inclusión educativa basados en la guía 28 del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. En la primera fase del estudio se exploró con un cuestionario la autoevaluación de las buenas prácticas con 5 instituciones educativas que dieron su consentimiento para el estudio y de estas resultaron 2 instituciones (Institución educativa técnica comercial de Palmar de Varela y la institución educativa de Bohórquez) que cumplieron con el puntaje de buena práctica. Las instituciones participantes manifestaron dentro de sus acciones significativas la permanente capacitación a los docentes, caracterización de los estudiantes, presencia de docentes de apoyo, que se traduce en mayor número de estudiantes promovidos y el bajo índice de deserción escolar.
These investigation pretends to analyse significant experiences of good practices of educational inclusion in primary education in the Atlantic Department, which serve as a benchmark for educational innovation and the creation of an educational inclusion support network. It is a mixed or multi-method study based on the complexity of the phenomenon that requires systematic and critical processes of quantitative and qualitative research for the integration and joint discussion of the data or results found. The type of design to use is nesting multiple levels where an extensive fieldwork will be carried out with participation of the educational community with various levels of analysis and grounded in existing theory. 3 instruments were built and applied to identify good practices of educational inclusion based on guide 28 of the "MEN" (Ministry of National Education - Colombia). In the first phase of the study, the self-evaluation of good practices was explored with a questionnaire with 5 educational institutions that gave their consent for the study and from these, 2 institutions resulted (Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial de Palmar de Varela and Institución Educativa de Bohóquez) that met the good practice score. The participating institutions manifest among their significant actions the permanent training of teachers, characterization of students, presence of support teachers, which translates into a greater number of promoted students and a low dropout rate.
These investigation pretends to analyse significant experiences of good practices of educational inclusion in primary education in the Atlantic Department, which serve as a benchmark for educational innovation and the creation of an educational inclusion support network. It is a mixed or multi-method study based on the complexity of the phenomenon that requires systematic and critical processes of quantitative and qualitative research for the integration and joint discussion of the data or results found. The type of design to use is nesting multiple levels where an extensive fieldwork will be carried out with participation of the educational community with various levels of analysis and grounded in existing theory. 3 instruments were built and applied to identify good practices of educational inclusion based on guide 28 of the "MEN" (Ministry of National Education - Colombia). In the first phase of the study, the self-evaluation of good practices was explored with a questionnaire with 5 educational institutions that gave their consent for the study and from these, 2 institutions resulted (Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial de Palmar de Varela and Institución Educativa de Bohóquez) that met the good practice score. The participating institutions manifest among their significant actions the permanent training of teachers, characterization of students, presence of support teachers, which translates into a greater number of promoted students and a low dropout rate.
Palabras clave
Inclusión educativa, Innovación educativa, Discapacidad, Inclusive education, Educational innovation, Disability