La autoestima y su relación con las habilidades sociales en jóvenes universitarios de Barranquilla
Campos Carreño, José Luis
Maldonado Ortega, Jostein Andrés
Morales Sarmiento, Glendy Laura
Ortega Díaz, Melany Juliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los jóvenes dentro de su desarrollo transitan por una gran cantidad de cambios que los ayudan a consolidar su identidad y su rol dentro de la sociedad, en este recorrido salen a flote dos elementos relacionados con la convivencia social y personal: la autoestima y las habilidades sociales, a pesar de considerarse herramientas psicológicas y comunicativas que permiten el crecimiento del joven, son vistos como constructos separados, existiendo muy pocos estudios relacionados con la relación de ambas variables en los procesos de socialización del joven dentro de su contexto.
El mal desarrollo de la autoestima puede generar dificultades a la hora de establecer una buena comunicación, como consecuencia se pueden presentar trastornos como la depresión, la ansiedad o la falta de necesidad social y problemas más complejos que se han vuelto significativos y marcados en la modernidad, es en estos casos en donde se resalta la importancia de encontrar todos esos factores que influyen en las habilidades de socialización de los individuos, siendo la autoestima la variable de interés a estudiar y cómo se comportan las habilidades sociales en función de esta, es por ello que para comprender la socialización en todos sus niveles y los factores que pueden afectarla es necesario analizar la relación de la autoestima en los procesos comunicacionales de desarrollo social del joven.
During their development, young people go through a great number of changes that help them consolidate their identity and their role in society. In this process, two elements related to social and personal coexistence come to the surface: self-esteem and social skills, although they are considered psychological and communicative tools that allow young people to grow, they are seen as separate constructs, and there are very few studies related to the relationship between both variables in the socialization processes of young people within their context. The poor development of self-esteem can generate difficulties in establishing good communication, as a consequence disorders such as depression, anxiety or lack of social need and more complex problems that have become significant and marked in modernity can occur, it is in these cases where the importance of finding all those factors that influence the socialization skills of individuals is highlighted, being self-esteem the variable of interest to study and how social skills behave according to this, that is why to understand socialization at all levels and the factors that may affect it, it is necessary to analyze the relationship of self-esteem in the communicative processes of social development of young people.
During their development, young people go through a great number of changes that help them consolidate their identity and their role in society. In this process, two elements related to social and personal coexistence come to the surface: self-esteem and social skills, although they are considered psychological and communicative tools that allow young people to grow, they are seen as separate constructs, and there are very few studies related to the relationship between both variables in the socialization processes of young people within their context. The poor development of self-esteem can generate difficulties in establishing good communication, as a consequence disorders such as depression, anxiety or lack of social need and more complex problems that have become significant and marked in modernity can occur, it is in these cases where the importance of finding all those factors that influence the socialization skills of individuals is highlighted, being self-esteem the variable of interest to study and how social skills behave according to this, that is why to understand socialization at all levels and the factors that may affect it, it is necessary to analyze the relationship of self-esteem in the communicative processes of social development of young people.
Palabras clave
Autoestima, Habilidades sociales, Correlación, Jóvenes, Socialización, Crecimiento social y personal, Self-esteem, Social skills, Correlation, Youth, Socialization, Social and personal growth