Funcionamiento de las familias de los estudiantes del programa de Psicología
Solano Herrera, Alexa Patricia
Sierra Silvera, Kathlen Andrea
Roca Molina, Luz Saray
Marín De la Hoz, Nikoole Micheel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Antecedentes: La familia es uno de los pilares de la sociedad, razón por la cual
influye en los valores y las creencias de los miembros, pero esta se ha debilitado
en algunos aspectos con el paso del tiempo. Esto motivó a que se planteara la
necesidad de estudiar cómo es el funcionamiento familiar de los estudiantes del
programa de psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar y así, lograr describir
aquellas variables que puedan tener incidencia en su rendimiento académico,
bienestar y salud mental. Además, surge una motivación no solamente por
identificar el funcionamiento familiar en dicha población, sino también las variables
asociadas a este, incluyendo aquellas estrategias de afrontamiento que las
familias implementan en situaciones problemáticas o que demandan mucho
estrés, se consideró que este era un elemento fundamental para estudiar, debido
a que el uso de estas estrategias influye directa o indirectamente en el tipo de
familia, la capacidad de flexibilidad para el afrontamiento, y demás elementos que
podrían estar afectando a los estudiantes a nivel emocional y académico.
Objetivo: Describir el funcionamiento de las familias de los estudiantes del
programa de psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar.
Metodología: Esta investigación fue de tipo cuantitativa con diseño descriptivo,
basada en recopilación de datos, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario a la
población objetivo (estudiantes de psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar,
sede Barranquilla) con escalas como el EFFA (Escala de Funcionamiento Familiar
para Adolescentes), FACES III (Escala de Evaluación de la Cohesión y
Adaptabilidad Familiar), APGAR y CAF (Cuestionario de Afrontamiento Familiar).
Además, se realizó un perfil sociodemográfico de los estudiantes y sus familias,
considerando el nivel socioeconómico y status civil de los padres, utilizando un
muestreo aleatorio simple, el cual garantizó la inclusión en la muestra de toda la
población objeto de estudio.
Background: The family is one of the pillars of society and therefore influences the values and beliefs of its members, but it has been weakened in some aspects over time. This has led to the need to study the family functioning of students in the Psychology Program at the Simón Bolívar University, in order to describe the variables that may have an impact on their academic performance, well-being and mental health. In addition, a motivation arises not only to identify family functioning in this population, but also the variables associated with it, including those coping strategies that families implement in problematic situations or that require a lot of stress, it was considered that this was a fundamental element to study because the use of these strategies directly or indirectly influences the type of family, the flexibility capacity for coping, and other elements that could affect students emotionally and academically. Objective: To describe the functioning of the families of the students of the psychology program at the Universidad Simón Bolívar. Methodology: This was a quantitative research with descriptive design, based on data collection through the application of a questionnaire to the target population (psychology students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla) with scales such as the EFFA (Escala de funcionamiento familiar para Adolescentes), FACES III (Family Cohesion and Adaptability Evaluation Scale), APGAR and CAF (Cuestionario de Afrontamiento Familiar). In addition, a sociodemographic profile of the students and their families was carried out, considering the socioeconomic level and marital status of the parents, using simple random sampling, which guaranteed the inclusion in the sample of the entire population under study.
Background: The family is one of the pillars of society and therefore influences the values and beliefs of its members, but it has been weakened in some aspects over time. This has led to the need to study the family functioning of students in the Psychology Program at the Simón Bolívar University, in order to describe the variables that may have an impact on their academic performance, well-being and mental health. In addition, a motivation arises not only to identify family functioning in this population, but also the variables associated with it, including those coping strategies that families implement in problematic situations or that require a lot of stress, it was considered that this was a fundamental element to study because the use of these strategies directly or indirectly influences the type of family, the flexibility capacity for coping, and other elements that could affect students emotionally and academically. Objective: To describe the functioning of the families of the students of the psychology program at the Universidad Simón Bolívar. Methodology: This was a quantitative research with descriptive design, based on data collection through the application of a questionnaire to the target population (psychology students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla) with scales such as the EFFA (Escala de funcionamiento familiar para Adolescentes), FACES III (Family Cohesion and Adaptability Evaluation Scale), APGAR and CAF (Cuestionario de Afrontamiento Familiar). In addition, a sociodemographic profile of the students and their families was carried out, considering the socioeconomic level and marital status of the parents, using simple random sampling, which guaranteed the inclusion in the sample of the entire population under study.
Palabras clave
Familias, Funcionamiento familiar, Universitarios, Bienestar