SEÑALAAPP – Guía mecanismo de señalización para las industrias
Castro Cassiani, Ivana María
de Marchena Díaz, David Abraham
Echenique Rivera, Melanie Echenique
Parra Carvajal, John Steven
Rubio Rambao, Larry de Jesús
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El presente artículo está basado en un proyecto de investigación que tuvo como objetivo recopilar y
detallar la importancia de la señalética en las pequeñas industrias. La señalización juega un papel
muy importante para la prevención de accidentes, malentendidos, imprudencias humanas entre
demás factores de seguridad y orden. La correcta señalización de un establecimiento puede salvar
vidas. Las apps son una gran fuente de datos que permiten obtener información de valor sobre los
distintos perfiles de usuarios que las utilizan, así como de su comportamiento en el entorno de la
app. También son muy utilizadas por las empresas para obtener y procesar datos sobre sus procesos
de manera eficiente. La señalización de seguridad es una parte importante dentro de la prevención
de riesgos, pero nunca podrá considerarse como una medida sustitutoria de medidas técnicas en
materia de prevención si no como medida complementaria. Por lo tanto, se propone un prototipo de
aplicación que disponga de reglas representadas iconográficamente sobre los riesgos y los servicios
presente en una empresa, con el propósito de prevenir e informar a nuestros miembros y clientes de
los peligros presentes y servicios prestados ayudando consigo a disminuir la accidentalidad en el
entorno de trabajo y mejorando la orientación espacial de nuestros clientes de las pequeñas
This article is based on a research project that aimed to collect and detail the importance of signage in small industries. Signaling plays a very important role in preventing accidents, misunderstandings, human negligence, among other safety and order factors. The correct signage of an establishment can save lives. Apps are a great source of data that allow valuable information to be obtained about the different user profiles that use them, as well as their behavior in the app environment. They are also widely used by companies to efficiently obtain and process data about their processes. Safety signage is an important part of risk prevention, but it can never be required as a substitute measure for technical prevention measures, but rather as a complementary measure. Therefore, an application prototype is proposed that has iconographically represented reflections on the risks and services present in a company, with the purpose of preventing and informing our members and clients of the present dangers and services provided, helping to reduce the accident rate in the work environment and improving the spatial orientation of our clients in small industries.
This article is based on a research project that aimed to collect and detail the importance of signage in small industries. Signaling plays a very important role in preventing accidents, misunderstandings, human negligence, among other safety and order factors. The correct signage of an establishment can save lives. Apps are a great source of data that allow valuable information to be obtained about the different user profiles that use them, as well as their behavior in the app environment. They are also widely used by companies to efficiently obtain and process data about their processes. Safety signage is an important part of risk prevention, but it can never be required as a substitute measure for technical prevention measures, but rather as a complementary measure. Therefore, an application prototype is proposed that has iconographically represented reflections on the risks and services present in a company, with the purpose of preventing and informing our members and clients of the present dangers and services provided, helping to reduce the accident rate in the work environment and improving the spatial orientation of our clients in small industries.
Palabras clave
Señalización, Señalética, Símbolos gráficos, Colores de seguridad, Industrias, Prototipo, Aplicación