Diferencia y similitudes entre la conducta del feminicidio y del homicidio
Rodríguez Aragón, María del Pilar
Quitian Acendra, Johan Valentino
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objeto del presente trabajo es hacer una breve descripción del proceso de evolución que ha tenido el concepto de feminicidio a lo largo de los años en nuestro país y de esta manera determinar mediante qué criterio se puede catalogar una conducta de asesinato contra una mujer como feminicidio y no como homicidio dentro de la legislación Penal colombiana. Además, evidenciar la forma en que el feminicidio fue adoptado a lo largo del tiempo por parte de los organismos internacionales de derechos humanos y que finalmente repercutió en nuestro país con la implementación de nuevas normas al respecto convirtiéndolo como delito autónomo en nuestra legislación.
The purpose of this paper is to make a brief description of the process of evolution that has had the concept of femicide over the years in our country and thus determine by what criterion a murder behavior can be catalogued against a woman as femicide and not as homicide within Colombian law Penal Code, Law 599 of 2000. Further evidence of the way in which Femicide was adopted over time by international human rights organizations and which finally impacted in our country with the implementation of new standards in this regard making it a crime autonomous in our legislation.
The purpose of this paper is to make a brief description of the process of evolution that has had the concept of femicide over the years in our country and thus determine by what criterion a murder behavior can be catalogued against a woman as femicide and not as homicide within Colombian law Penal Code, Law 599 of 2000. Further evidence of the way in which Femicide was adopted over time by international human rights organizations and which finally impacted in our country with the implementation of new standards in this regard making it a crime autonomous in our legislation.
Palabras clave
Mujer, Homicidio, Maltrato, Violencia, Murder, Feminicide, Women, Criminalize, Violence, Colombian legislation