Efectos de la implementación de la técnica de aula invertida mediada por las TIC sobre la competencia laboral utilizar herramientas informáticas de acuerdo con las necesidades de manejo de información en el centro de comercio y servicios del SENA regional Atlántico
Herrera Coba, Miroslava
De La Hoz Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo de este proyecto es determinar el efecto de la implementación del uso de la técnica de aula invertida mediada por las TIC en la formación de la competencia utilizar herramientas informáticas de acuerdo a las necesidades de manejo de información en el programa de integración de operaciones logísticas en la entidad Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) regional Atlántico en Barranquilla, Colombia; bajo un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño cuasi experimental, con un grupo control de 24 aprendices y un grupo experimental de 26 aprendices, aplicándose en el segundo trimestre de formación 2022. Se utiliza el LMS institucional Territorio para el manejo de material de estudio, y seguimiento de actividades, para la recolección de información del proceso se utilizarán encuestas validadas en otros estudios como lo son Alfin-Humass, CUSAUF, con el fin de obtener de información pre y post acerca de nivel de competencias, de motivación al aprendizaje, y de satisfacción de la formación mediada por tic. Los resultados indican que la técnica aula invertida exige un proceso de planeación riguroso por parte de instructores, que los aprendices se involucran más en formación, favorece el desarrollo de actividades en equipo y finalmente contribuye a la mejora del rendimiento académico de los aprendices.
The principal objective of this investigation is to determinate the effect in the implementation of the inverted classroom technique, through the ICT in the formation of competencies. Using informatic tools according to the specific needs of information management on the integrations of logistics operations program of National Service of Learning or as its initials in Spanish “SENA”, in the Barranquilla campus at the Atlantic region in Colombia. Under a quantitative approach and a quasi-experimental design, with a control group of 24 apprentices and an experimental group of 26 apprentice, which took place on the second trimester of 2022. The LMS used is the institutional Territorio for the processing of the studying material and the activity tracking and for the information collection it will be used validated surveys from other studies as Alfin-Humass and CUSAUF with the purpose of obtain pre and post information about the competencies level, motivational learning and satisfaction on the training through ICT tools. The results indicate that this technique, inverted classroom, allows and demands a rigorous planification process by the instructors in order to select or develop the pedagogical elements that allow the achievement of the expected learning results in the respective moments of the training, either in an autonomous or directed session; that the apprentice gets more involve in the formation process, also that it promotes the team activities development and finally contributes to the upgrade of the academic’s performance of the apprentices.
The principal objective of this investigation is to determinate the effect in the implementation of the inverted classroom technique, through the ICT in the formation of competencies. Using informatic tools according to the specific needs of information management on the integrations of logistics operations program of National Service of Learning or as its initials in Spanish “SENA”, in the Barranquilla campus at the Atlantic region in Colombia. Under a quantitative approach and a quasi-experimental design, with a control group of 24 apprentices and an experimental group of 26 apprentice, which took place on the second trimester of 2022. The LMS used is the institutional Territorio for the processing of the studying material and the activity tracking and for the information collection it will be used validated surveys from other studies as Alfin-Humass and CUSAUF with the purpose of obtain pre and post information about the competencies level, motivational learning and satisfaction on the training through ICT tools. The results indicate that this technique, inverted classroom, allows and demands a rigorous planification process by the instructors in order to select or develop the pedagogical elements that allow the achievement of the expected learning results in the respective moments of the training, either in an autonomous or directed session; that the apprentice gets more involve in the formation process, also that it promotes the team activities development and finally contributes to the upgrade of the academic’s performance of the apprentices.
Palabras clave
Aula invertida, TIC, Competencias, Motivación, Aprendizaje activo, Inverted classroom, ICT, Competencies, Motivation, Effective learning process