Pronunciamientos de la corte constitucional sobre los falsos positivos en Colombia durante los años 2002 – 2010
Ríos Estrada, Lenis de Jesús
Barros Pérez, Farailda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Colombia por muchos años ha tenido que sufrir el flagelo de las muertes de personas civiles y de hombres de la fuerza pública por culpa del conflicto armado, que por más de 50 años vive azotando al país. No obstante, encontramos que se estuvo cometiendo en el marco de las hostilidades el delito de los mal llamados “Falsos Positivos”, asesinatos cometidos por agentes del Estado en contra de un grupo de personas inocentes, ajenas al conflicto armado, puestas en escena como “positivos” en el lenguaje militar, para que el Ejercito, las Fuerzas Militares o el Gobierno tuvieran positivos en la guerra contra los terroristas y de esta manera causar engaño y obtener prestigio y beneficios. Para iniciar comenzaremos citando a estos autores que nos llevan con su estudio al tema central de la investigación que pretendemos llevar a cabo, abordan temas muy contundentes para nuestra investigación y la consideramos el estudio más cercano. (González Suescun, Leonardo; Mariño, Martha; Velásquez Villamarin, Carlos Antonio; 2010). Como objetivos se tienen la de revisar los pronunciamientos de la corte constitucional sobre los falsos positivos Esta investigación se justifica porque es importante conocer los motivos que me llevaron a investigar los Falsos Positivos desde un análisis práctico, jurídico y desde el tipo penal, es el interés académico de identificar y conocer los criterios jurídicos empleados por los Jueces Colombianos Penales al momento de judicializar delitos de lesa humanidad y contra personas protegidas. La metodología de la investigación utilizada para este anteproyecto se fundamenta en el paradigma histórico- hermenéutico, el enfoque cualitativo y el método inductivo. El tipo de investigación descriptiva. La fuente de obtención de la información secundaria.
Colombia for many years has had to suffer the scourge of the deaths of civilians and men of the public force due to the armed conflict, which for more than 50 years has been plaguing the country. However, we found that the crime of the so-called "False Positives" was being committed within the framework of the hostilities, murders committed by State agents against a group of innocent people, outside the armed conflict, staged as " positives ”in military language, so that the Army, the Military Forces or the Government would have positives in the war against terrorists and in this way cause deception and obtain prestige and benefits. To begin, we will start by citing these authors who take us with their study to the central theme of the research we intend to carry out, they address very compelling topics for our research and we consider it the closest study. (González Suescun, Leonardo; Mariño, Martha; Velásquez Villamarin, Carlos Antonio; 2010). The objectives are to review the pronouncements of the constitutional court on false positives This investigation is justified because it is important to know the reasons that led me to investigate the False Positives from a practical, legal and criminal analysis, it is the interest academic to identify and know the legal criteria used by Colombian Criminal Judges when prosecuting crimes against humanity and against protected persons. The research methodology used for this preliminary project is based on the historical-hermeneutical paradigm, the qualitative approach and the inductive method. The type of descriptive research. The source of obtaining the secondary information.
Colombia for many years has had to suffer the scourge of the deaths of civilians and men of the public force due to the armed conflict, which for more than 50 years has been plaguing the country. However, we found that the crime of the so-called "False Positives" was being committed within the framework of the hostilities, murders committed by State agents against a group of innocent people, outside the armed conflict, staged as " positives ”in military language, so that the Army, the Military Forces or the Government would have positives in the war against terrorists and in this way cause deception and obtain prestige and benefits. To begin, we will start by citing these authors who take us with their study to the central theme of the research we intend to carry out, they address very compelling topics for our research and we consider it the closest study. (González Suescun, Leonardo; Mariño, Martha; Velásquez Villamarin, Carlos Antonio; 2010). The objectives are to review the pronouncements of the constitutional court on false positives This investigation is justified because it is important to know the reasons that led me to investigate the False Positives from a practical, legal and criminal analysis, it is the interest academic to identify and know the legal criteria used by Colombian Criminal Judges when prosecuting crimes against humanity and against protected persons. The research methodology used for this preliminary project is based on the historical-hermeneutical paradigm, the qualitative approach and the inductive method. The type of descriptive research. The source of obtaining the secondary information.
Palabras clave
Pronunciamientos de la Corte Constitucional, Falsos positivos, Colombia, Pronouncements of the Constitutional Court, False positives