Impacto por la implementación de las TIC en empresas del proyecto MIPYME innova Bolívar en el municipio de Pinillos del departamento de Bolívar
Coronel Pacheco, Will Antonio
Osorio Fontalvo, Daniel
Tamayo Álvarez, Jonathan
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El objetivo de este proyecto de investigación es evaluar el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información en las Empresas del proyecto MIPYME Innova Bolívar en el municipio de Pinillos del departamento de Bolívar con el fin de determinar si son fuente de ventaja competitiva con un impacto en la sostenibilidad económica de la región. La metodología adoptada comprendió encuestas aplicadas a doce empresas, utilizando un enfoque cualitativo con un diseño descriptivo y exploratorio, las empresas seleccionas para esta investigación son organizaciones del municipio de Pinillos las cuales son de tamaño pequeño, constituidas recientemente, empresas encabezadas por mujeres solteras, el cual permitirá realizar una recopilación de datos, variables y fenómenos que intervienen en el impacto por la implementación de las TIC. El estudio buscó evaluar de manera integral cómo la adopción de las TIC ha afectado diversos aspectos operativos y estratégicos de estas organizaciones, proporcionando una visión detallada de los beneficios y desafíos experimentados en el contexto de la MIPYME Innova Bolívar. Los principales resultados arrojaron que la implementación de las TIC ha demostrado tener un impacto positivo en la eficiencia operativa. La automatización de procesos,
el acceso rápido a la información y la mejora en la comunicación interna han contribuido a una operación más eficiente y en base a esto se plantean algunas recomendaciones para las empresas están vinculadas al proyecto MiPyme Innova Bolívar en el municipio de Pinillos, continúen utilizando todas estas herramientas tecnológicas, dado que en este estudio se pudo evidenciar que cada una de las empresas generó un beneficio económico, aumentando sus ingresos sustancialmente, mejorando la calidad de vida no solo de los emprendedores sino también de sus empleados
The objective of this research project is to evaluate the use of Information Technologies in the Companies of the Innova Bolívar MSME project in the municipality of Pinillos in the department of Bolívar in order to determine if they are a source of competitive advantage with an impact on the economic sustainability of the region. The methodology adopted included surveys applied to twelve companies, using a qualitative approach with a descriptive and exploratory design, the companies selected for this research are organizations from the municipality of Pinillos which are small in size, recently established, companies headed by single women, the which will allow for a collection of data, variables and phenomena that intervene in the impact of the implementation of ICT. The study sought to comprehensively evaluate how the adoption of ICT has affected various operational and strategic aspects of these organizations, providing a detailed view of the benefits and challenges experienced in the context of the Innova Bolívar MSME. The main results showed that the implementation of ICT has proven to have a positive impact on operational efficiency. The automation of processes, quick access to information and improvement in internal communication have contributed to a more efficient operation and based on this, some recommendations are made for companies linked to the Innova Bolívar MiPyme project in the municipality of Pinillos. Continue using all these technological tools, since in this study it was evident that each of the companies generated an economic benefit, increasing their income substantially, improving the quality of life not only of the entrepreneurs but also of their employees.
The objective of this research project is to evaluate the use of Information Technologies in the Companies of the Innova Bolívar MSME project in the municipality of Pinillos in the department of Bolívar in order to determine if they are a source of competitive advantage with an impact on the economic sustainability of the region. The methodology adopted included surveys applied to twelve companies, using a qualitative approach with a descriptive and exploratory design, the companies selected for this research are organizations from the municipality of Pinillos which are small in size, recently established, companies headed by single women, the which will allow for a collection of data, variables and phenomena that intervene in the impact of the implementation of ICT. The study sought to comprehensively evaluate how the adoption of ICT has affected various operational and strategic aspects of these organizations, providing a detailed view of the benefits and challenges experienced in the context of the Innova Bolívar MSME. The main results showed that the implementation of ICT has proven to have a positive impact on operational efficiency. The automation of processes, quick access to information and improvement in internal communication have contributed to a more efficient operation and based on this, some recommendations are made for companies linked to the Innova Bolívar MiPyme project in the municipality of Pinillos. Continue using all these technological tools, since in this study it was evident that each of the companies generated an economic benefit, increasing their income substantially, improving the quality of life not only of the entrepreneurs but also of their employees.
Palabras clave
TIC, Ventaja competitiva, Eficiencia, Productividad, ICT, Competitive advantage, Efficiency, Productivity