Percepción y satisfacción de los médicos residentes sobre la calidad de las especializaciones médicas y quirúrgicas de la Universidad Simón Bolívar - 2023
Soto Aroca, Clara Inés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El Modelo de Evaluación de la Calidad para los Programas de Educación Superior en Salud considera diversos aspectos para evaluar las prácticas formativas y garantizar la calidad. Incluye condiciones relacionadas con la capacidad, seguridad, bienestar, organización administrativa, personal docente, prácticas formativas y mejora continua. Este modelo se utiliza como herramienta para evaluar las prácticas en diferentes escenarios y se basa en los resultados de aprendizaje esperados del programa. Sin embargo, se observa una falta de consideración hacia las opiniones de los médicos residentes, quienes son clientes directos de los servicios educativos. De lo anterior, nace la necesidad de estudiar las percepciones y satisfacción de los médicos residentes, con el fin de mejorar las especializaciones médicas y quirúrgicas en la universidad Simón Bolívar.
Se utiliza un enfoque metodológico de tipo cuantitativo, bajo características que determinan un tipo de estudio correlacional en la medida que permita la identificación de los factores, su relación y la propuesta de estrategias para promover una mayor percepción y satisfacción de los médicos residentes, se destaca que el proceso se llevó a cabo desde una perspectiva numérica-cuantitativa, a través, del diseño investigación de campo. Obteniendo como resultado con base en el procesamiento estadístico de los datos recopilados, el análisis descriptivo donde se observa que un cuarto de los estudiantes, mencionaron estar Algo satisfecho. Es decir, que la gran mayoría de los residentes manifiestan estar satisfechos como opinión general del programa de especialidad cursado. Y muestra el comportamiento y relación de las dos variables estudiadas (Satisfacción y Percepción).
The Quality Evaluation Model for Higher Education Programs in Health considers various aspects to assess training practices and ensure quality. It includes conditions related to capacity, safety, well-being, administrative organization, teaching staff, training practices, and continuous improvement. This model is used as a tool to evaluate practices in different settings and is based on the expected learning outcomes of the program. However, a lack of consideration for the opinions of resident doctors, who are direct clients of educational services, is observed. Therefore, there is a need to study the perceptions and satisfaction of resident doctors in order to improve medical and surgical specializations at Universidad Simon Bolivar. A quantitative methodological approach is used, characterized by a correlational study design that allows for the identification of factors, their relationships, and the proposal of strategies to promote greater perception and satisfaction among resident doctors. It should be noted that the process was carried out from a numerical-quantitative perspective through a field research design. The result, based on the statistical analysis of the collected data, is a descriptive analysis that shows that a quarter of the students mentioned being somewhat satisfied. In other words, the vast majority of residents express overall satisfaction with the specialized program they have undertaken. The sample demonstrates the behavior and relationship between the two variables studied (Satisfaction and Perception).
The Quality Evaluation Model for Higher Education Programs in Health considers various aspects to assess training practices and ensure quality. It includes conditions related to capacity, safety, well-being, administrative organization, teaching staff, training practices, and continuous improvement. This model is used as a tool to evaluate practices in different settings and is based on the expected learning outcomes of the program. However, a lack of consideration for the opinions of resident doctors, who are direct clients of educational services, is observed. Therefore, there is a need to study the perceptions and satisfaction of resident doctors in order to improve medical and surgical specializations at Universidad Simon Bolivar. A quantitative methodological approach is used, characterized by a correlational study design that allows for the identification of factors, their relationships, and the proposal of strategies to promote greater perception and satisfaction among resident doctors. It should be noted that the process was carried out from a numerical-quantitative perspective through a field research design. The result, based on the statistical analysis of the collected data, is a descriptive analysis that shows that a quarter of the students mentioned being somewhat satisfied. In other words, the vast majority of residents express overall satisfaction with the specialized program they have undertaken. The sample demonstrates the behavior and relationship between the two variables studied (Satisfaction and Perception).
Palabras clave
Percepción, Satisfacción, Calidad, Especializaciones médicas y quirúrgicas, Médicos residentes, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Investigación de campo, Perception, Satisfaction, Quality, Medical and Surgical Specializations, Resident Doctors, Field Research