Sistema complejo para la gestión de una institución educativa desde los niveles de realidad de sus contextos
Solano Jiménez, Emileidy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación se centra en desarrollar un Sistema Complejo para Gestionar una Institución Educativa, integrando diversos Niveles de Realidad de su Contexto. Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo y el paradigma de la complejidad, el estudio aplica la metodología del Análisis de Sistemas Complejos de Rolando García, que incluye entrevistas, grupos focales y análisis de diario de campo en el Instituto Técnico Mario Pezzotti Lemus; esto permitió una inmersión profunda en las dinámicas educativas y las relaciones entre directivos, docentes, padres y estudiantes. Los hallazgos indican que factores como la diversidad cultural, las políticas educativas nacionales y locales, junto con las condiciones
socioeconómicas de las familias impactan significativamente en la Gestión Educativa, elementos que crean una red interrelacionada que afecta la eficacia de la gestión institucional, resaltando la necesidad de adaptarse continuamente a las variaciones contextuales. El estudio propone un sistema complejo que integra estos factores, ofreciendo un enfoque holístico para la gestión educativa. Este modelo sugiere estrategias adaptables a las particularidades del contexto local y valida teorías de Bertalanffy, Luhmann, Nicolescu, Katz y Kahn, demostrando que una gestión eficaz debe considerar las interacciones dinámicas entre múltiples factores y actores. Las conclusiones subrayan la importancia de
un enfoque sistémico y transdisciplinar, la participación de la comunidad educativa y la formación continua para directivos y docentes partiendo de la comprensión de las ciencias de la complejidad; por último, la investigación proporciona una guía teórica y práctica para gestionar la complejidad en contextos escolares diversos, favoreciendo el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones y mejoras en la Gestión Educativa.
The research focuses on developing a Complex System for Managing an Educational Institution by integrating various Levels of Reality of its Context. Using a qualitative approach and the complexity paradigm, the study applies Rolando García's Complex Systems Analysis methodology, which includes interviews, focus groups, and field diary analysis at the Instituto Técnico Mario Pezzotti Lemus. This allowed for a deep immersion into educational dynamics and the relationships between administrators, teachers, parents, and students. The findings indicate that factors such as cultural diversity, national and local educational policies, along with the socioeconomic conditions of families, significantly impact Educational Management. These elements create an interconnected network that affects the effectiveness of institutional management, highlighting the need for continuous adaptation to contextual variations. The study proposes a complex system that integrates these factors, offering a holistic approach to educational management. This model suggests strategies adaptable to the specifics of the local context and validates the theories of Bertalanffy, Luhmann, Nicolescu, Katz, and Kahn, demonstrating that effective management must consider the dynamic interactions between multiple factors and actors. The conclusions emphasize the importance of a systemic and transdisciplinary approach, community involvement, and continuous training for administrators and teachers based on an understanding of complexity sciences. Finally, the research provides a theoretical and practical guide for managing complexity in diverse school contexts, supporting the development of future research and improvements in Educational Management.
The research focuses on developing a Complex System for Managing an Educational Institution by integrating various Levels of Reality of its Context. Using a qualitative approach and the complexity paradigm, the study applies Rolando García's Complex Systems Analysis methodology, which includes interviews, focus groups, and field diary analysis at the Instituto Técnico Mario Pezzotti Lemus. This allowed for a deep immersion into educational dynamics and the relationships between administrators, teachers, parents, and students. The findings indicate that factors such as cultural diversity, national and local educational policies, along with the socioeconomic conditions of families, significantly impact Educational Management. These elements create an interconnected network that affects the effectiveness of institutional management, highlighting the need for continuous adaptation to contextual variations. The study proposes a complex system that integrates these factors, offering a holistic approach to educational management. This model suggests strategies adaptable to the specifics of the local context and validates the theories of Bertalanffy, Luhmann, Nicolescu, Katz, and Kahn, demonstrating that effective management must consider the dynamic interactions between multiple factors and actors. The conclusions emphasize the importance of a systemic and transdisciplinary approach, community involvement, and continuous training for administrators and teachers based on an understanding of complexity sciences. Finally, the research provides a theoretical and practical guide for managing complexity in diverse school contexts, supporting the development of future research and improvements in Educational Management.
Palabras clave
Complejidad, Contexto, Gestión educativa, Niveles de realidad, Sistema