Prácticas pedagógicas para la formación de profesionales críticos en fisioterapia. Una propuesta desde la perspectiva de los actores
Goyeneche Ortegón, Ruth Liliana
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Prácticas pedagógicas para la formación de profesionales críticos en fisioterapia. Una propuesta desde la perspectiva de los actores
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue construir una propuesta de prácticas pedagógicas que posibilite la formación de profesionales críticos en los programas de Fisioterapia en Colombia, considerando la relevancia que tiene en cuanto a que las Prácticas Pedagógicas apuesten por alternativas de co-creación en la triada Programa de Fisioterapia Estudiantes-Docentes, basados en la comprensión de las incertidumbres constantes en las que transitan cada uno de los actores de la triada inherentes a los fenómenos educativos que día a día son más complejos por las experiencias, a veces desafiantes, que se afrontan en torno al
nivel de las exigencias en cuanto a sus responsabilidades para responder a las necesidades y expectativas del contexto para la resolución de problemas; en el que el aprender a pensar por sí mismos hace parte del proceso de formación; y con la dupla enseñanza – aprendizaje se
busca desarrollar un pensamiento crítico que implique un actuar crítico en la sociedad que de hecho redunde en acciones contundentes desde diversos escenarios como lo son: el sistema de salud, educativo, económico y social para el desarrollo humano de la sociedad en un país como Colombia.
La investigación desarrollada, está en consonancia con la línea de Investigación Pedagogía, Educación y Complejidad emerge una propuesta con fundamento en la Investigación Acción Educativa, de tipo cualitativo y en el marco del Paradigma Socio Crítico, realizado con 30 participantes de un programa de Fisioterapia, con el cual se obtuvo la transformación de la perspectiva y visión de las Practicas Pedagógicas concordantes con las
realidades, exigencias y necesidades de la sociedad actual.
La información recabada fue analizada utilizando el software Atlas Ti versión 8, lo que llevó a concluir que la dialogicidad con los actores docentes y estudiantes permitió profundizar en temas que les confrontaron para trazar el camino y enriquecer el actuar como docente,
estudiante y sujeto de cambios; logrando la comprensión que el otro es un ser humano que transita en su realidad afrontando situaciones a nivel personal y profesional que impactan en su desempeño como docente y en esa misma reflexión como estudiante en lo concerniente a lo
académico y en coincidir por parte de los actores la urgencia de integrar en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje las prácticas pedagógicas que trasciendan del aula aunado con el Modelo Pedagógico de la Institución universitaria y en particular del Programa de Fisioterapia donde se llevó a cabo el estudio.
The objective of this research was to build a proposal for pedagogical practices that enables the training of critical professionals in Physiotherapy programs in Colombia, considering the relevance that it has in terms of the Pedagogical Practices betting on cocreation alternatives in the triad. Physiotherapy-Students-Teachers Program, based on the understanding of the constant uncertainties in which each one of the actors of the triad inherent to the educational phenomena that are more complex day by day due to the experiences, sometimes challenging, that they face around the level of demands in terms of their responsibilities to respond to the needs and expectations of the context for problem solving; in which learning to think for themselves is part of the training process; and with the teachinglearning duo, we seek to develop critical thinking that implies critical action in society that in fact results in forceful actions from various scenarios such as: the health, educational, economic and social system for the human development of society in a country like Colombia. The research developed is in line with the Pedagogy, Education and Complexity Research line, a proposal emerges based on Educational Action Research, of a qualitative type and within the framework of the Socio-Critical Paradigm, carried out with 30 participants of a Physiotherapy program, with which the transformation of the perspective and vision of the Pedagogical Practices consistent with the realities, demands and needs of today's society was obtained. The information collected was analyzed using the Atlas Ti version 8 software, which led to the conclusion that the dialogue with the teachers and students allowed them to delve into issues that confronted them to chart the path and enrich acting as a teacher, student and subject of change. ; achieving the understanding that the other is a human being who travels in his reality facing situations at a personal and professional level that impact his performance as a teacher and in that same reflection as a student regarding academics and in agreeing on the part of the actors the urgency of integrating in the teaching and learning process the pedagogical practices that transcend the classroom together with the Pedagogical Model of the University Institution and in particular of the Physiotherapy Program where the study was carried out
The objective of this research was to build a proposal for pedagogical practices that enables the training of critical professionals in Physiotherapy programs in Colombia, considering the relevance that it has in terms of the Pedagogical Practices betting on cocreation alternatives in the triad. Physiotherapy-Students-Teachers Program, based on the understanding of the constant uncertainties in which each one of the actors of the triad inherent to the educational phenomena that are more complex day by day due to the experiences, sometimes challenging, that they face around the level of demands in terms of their responsibilities to respond to the needs and expectations of the context for problem solving; in which learning to think for themselves is part of the training process; and with the teachinglearning duo, we seek to develop critical thinking that implies critical action in society that in fact results in forceful actions from various scenarios such as: the health, educational, economic and social system for the human development of society in a country like Colombia. The research developed is in line with the Pedagogy, Education and Complexity Research line, a proposal emerges based on Educational Action Research, of a qualitative type and within the framework of the Socio-Critical Paradigm, carried out with 30 participants of a Physiotherapy program, with which the transformation of the perspective and vision of the Pedagogical Practices consistent with the realities, demands and needs of today's society was obtained. The information collected was analyzed using the Atlas Ti version 8 software, which led to the conclusion that the dialogue with the teachers and students allowed them to delve into issues that confronted them to chart the path and enrich acting as a teacher, student and subject of change. ; achieving the understanding that the other is a human being who travels in his reality facing situations at a personal and professional level that impact his performance as a teacher and in that same reflection as a student regarding academics and in agreeing on the part of the actors the urgency of integrating in the teaching and learning process the pedagogical practices that transcend the classroom together with the Pedagogical Model of the University Institution and in particular of the Physiotherapy Program where the study was carried out
Palabras clave
Práctica Pedagógica, Formación, Pensamiento crítico, Pedagogical practice, Training, Critical thinking