Aislamiento y caracterización de Colifagos con actividad lítica a partir de aguas residuales contra el serotipo de E. coli entero-hemorrágica 0157H7
Quiroz Ribón, Nainy Tatiana
Ramírez Villarreal, Paola Alejandra
Zúñiga Martínez, Johan Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El presente trabajo hace parte de un macro proyecto titulado "Aislamiento y
caracterización de bacteriófagos contra cepas de interés clínico epidemiológico". Los
bacteriófagos son virus que infectan bacterias y que pueden lisarla, los cuales son
altamente específicos. Las bacterias del genero Escherichia Coli Enterohemorrágica
(EHEC) en especial el serotipo O 157H7, posee una capacidad de virulencia alta
ocasionando infecciones a nivel gastrointestinal. Para contrarrestar su actividad patógena
existen muchos antibióticos, pero la resistencia de estos microorganismos crece cada día
más, por lo que es necesario considerar nuevas alternativas farmacológicas para el
manejo de estas enfermedades. Objetivos: Aislar y caracterizar colifagos a partir de
aguas residuales y determinar su actividad lítica contra el serotipo de Escherichia coli
enterohemorrágica 0157H7. Metodología: Descriptivo de corte transversal. Resultados:
De las diez muestras de aguas residuales se aislaron siete colifagos contra la cepa A TCC
25922 de E. coli. Los fagos N3, NS, NS, N7 y NS tienen mayor rango de huésped, debido
a que presentaron actividad lítica contra el serotipo de Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica
0157H7. Además la microscopia electrónica de los colifagos NS y N7 placas claras y
oscuras, posteriormente evidenció que N6 presentó morfología de los fagos de la familia
Podoviridae y ambos N7 poseen morfología de la familia Myoviridae. Conclusión: El uso
de estos colifagos en la industria alimentaria y en el ámbito clínico sería muy útil para
disminuir la incidencia de infecciones causadas por el serotipo de Escherichia coli
enterohemorrágica 0157H7 y reducirían la incidencia de pacientes que acuden por
diarrea y colitis-hemorrágica.
This work is part of a macro project entitled "lsolation and characterization of bacteriophages against clinical strains of epidemiological interest." Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria and can lisarla, which are highly specific. Bacteria genus Escherichia (EHEC) serotype 0157H7 especially, has a capacity of high virulence causing gastrointestinal infections. To counter its pathogenic activity there are many antibiotics, but resistance to these microorganisms growing every day, so it is necessary to consider new pharmacological alternatives for the management of these diseases. Objectives: To isolate and characterize phages from sewage and determine its lytic activity against enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli serotype O 157H7. Methodology: Descriptive crosssection. Results: From wastewater seven phages were isolated against the ATCC 25922 strain of E. coli. N3, NS, N6, N7 and NS are more phage host range, because they had lytic activity against enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli serotype 0157H7. Also the electron microscopy N6 and N7 coliphages light and dark plates subsequently showed that N6 presented morphology phages Podoviridae family and possess both N7 Myoviridae family morphology. Conclusion: The use of these coliphages in the food industry and in the clinical setting would be very useful to reduce the incidence of infections caused by the serotype of Escherichia coli enterohaemorrhagic 0157H7 and reduce the incidence of patients coming from diarrhea and colitis-hemorrhagic.
This work is part of a macro project entitled "lsolation and characterization of bacteriophages against clinical strains of epidemiological interest." Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria and can lisarla, which are highly specific. Bacteria genus Escherichia (EHEC) serotype 0157H7 especially, has a capacity of high virulence causing gastrointestinal infections. To counter its pathogenic activity there are many antibiotics, but resistance to these microorganisms growing every day, so it is necessary to consider new pharmacological alternatives for the management of these diseases. Objectives: To isolate and characterize phages from sewage and determine its lytic activity against enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli serotype O 157H7. Methodology: Descriptive crosssection. Results: From wastewater seven phages were isolated against the ATCC 25922 strain of E. coli. N3, NS, N6, N7 and NS are more phage host range, because they had lytic activity against enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli serotype 0157H7. Also the electron microscopy N6 and N7 coliphages light and dark plates subsequently showed that N6 presented morphology phages Podoviridae family and possess both N7 Myoviridae family morphology. Conclusion: The use of these coliphages in the food industry and in the clinical setting would be very useful to reduce the incidence of infections caused by the serotype of Escherichia coli enterohaemorrhagic 0157H7 and reduce the incidence of patients coming from diarrhea and colitis-hemorrhagic.
Palabras clave
Bacteriófagos, Resistencia bacteriana, Fagoterapia, Escherichia colí 0157H7, E. coli strain ATCC 25922, Bacteriophages, Resistance to antibiotics, Phage therapy