Modelo de gestión de innovación en Pymes del sector BPO bajo un enfoque de innovación abierta
Vergara Beltrán, José Vicente
Vides Suárez, Orly Del Carmen
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal el proponer un modelo de gestión
estratégico de la innovación en PYMEs del sector BPO ubicadas en la ciudad de Barranquilla,
usando un enfoque de innovación abierta, a fin de fortalecer su competitividad en el mercado; La
metodología fue desarrollada bajo un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo, con una muestra de
6 PYMEs de este sector en particular. Con el propósito de obtener una visión interna de la
innovación en estas empresas, se aplicó un cuestionario para evaluar los factores y barreras que
afectan la innovación, así mismo se realizaron entrevistas a los gerentes de las mismas. Entre los
hallazgos se encontraron los factores que influyen en la innovación de estas PYMEs, tales como
la falta de cultura organizacional, flexibilidad ante nuevas ideas y liderazgo tradicional, entre otros.
Adicionalmente, las barreras que enfrentan estas PYMEs incluyen la falta de recursos propios para
innovar, la falta de conocimiento sobre los procesos de gestión de la innovación y el acceso
limitado a financiamiento externo, entre otras. Teniendo en cuenta el diagnóstico realizado se
diseñó el modelo basado en los siguientes cuatro pilares fundamentales: la cultura organizacional
de innovación, la implementación de herramientas de innovación, el acceso a nuevas tecnologías
y en el diseño de nuevas estrategias de innovación.
The main objective of this research was to propose a strategic management model of innovation in SMEs in the BPO sector located in the city of Barranquilla, using an open innovation approach, in order to strengthen their competitiveness in the market; The methodology was developed under a descriptive quantitative approach, with a sample of 6 SMEs from this particular sector. In order to obtain an internal vision of innovation in these companies, a questionnaire was applied to evaluate the factors and barriers that affect innovation, and interviews were conducted with their managers. Among the findings were the factors that influence the innovation of these SMEs, such as the lack of organizational culture, flexibility in the face of new ideas and traditional leadership, among others. Additionally, the barriers that these SMEs face include the lack of their own resources to innovate, the lack of knowledge about innovation management processes and limited access to external financing, among others. Taking into account the diagnosis made, the model was designed based on the following four fundamental pillars: the organizational culture of innovation, the implementation of innovation tools, access to new technologies and the design of new innovation strategies.
The main objective of this research was to propose a strategic management model of innovation in SMEs in the BPO sector located in the city of Barranquilla, using an open innovation approach, in order to strengthen their competitiveness in the market; The methodology was developed under a descriptive quantitative approach, with a sample of 6 SMEs from this particular sector. In order to obtain an internal vision of innovation in these companies, a questionnaire was applied to evaluate the factors and barriers that affect innovation, and interviews were conducted with their managers. Among the findings were the factors that influence the innovation of these SMEs, such as the lack of organizational culture, flexibility in the face of new ideas and traditional leadership, among others. Additionally, the barriers that these SMEs face include the lack of their own resources to innovate, the lack of knowledge about innovation management processes and limited access to external financing, among others. Taking into account the diagnosis made, the model was designed based on the following four fundamental pillars: the organizational culture of innovation, the implementation of innovation tools, access to new technologies and the design of new innovation strategies.
Palabras clave
Modelo de gestión, Innovación, PYMEs, BPO, Innovación abierta, Factores, Barreras, Management model, Innovation, SMEs, Open innovation, Factors, Barriers