Modelos analíticos de teoría de colas aplicado a empresas de servicio
Salcedo Valencia, Andrés
Santiago, Diego Luis
Rico Hundeljaussen, Danna
Vásquez Picón, Stiwart
Villa González, Jean Carlos
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La teoría de colas se aplica para comprender y mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad de la prestación de servicios dentro de una organización, es una herramienta valiosa debido a que nos ayuda a administrar la dinámica de las colas de los clientes y los recursos necesarios para brindar un servicio de calidad. En este contexto, el objetivo de este proyecto es optimizar las operaciones de las empresas de servicios analizando aspectos como las tasas de llegada, la capacidad del servicio y los tiempos de espera, reduciendo así las colas y mejorando la satisfacción de los clientes. Se realizan análisis de datos para obtener información como números de clientes en cola, tasas de llegada, velocidad del servicio y mucho más, teniendo como resultado una diferencia positiva en la reducción de las colas de atención al cliente y de los tiempos de espera. Estos análisis fueron desarrollados a través de tablas con el fin de observar el comportamiento del sistema en distintos panoramas, y así afirmar que sistema es más optimo al aumentar los canales de atención, ya que el tiempo promedio de atención en el sistema disminuye a la vez que aumenta la cantidad de canales, así se puede cumplir con las necesidades de los clientes en el despacho de sus pedidos y además en el tiempo de espera. En otras palabras, este proyecto pretende proporcionar una visión precisa en las tasas de llegada de los pedidos y su vez, en los tiempos de servicio a fin de poder ajustar la capacidad del servicio y los procesos internos para reducir las colas y minimizar los tiempos de espera, logrando una mejora significativa en la experiencia del cliente.
Queuing theory is applied to understand and improve the efficiency and quality of service delivery within an organization. It is a valuable tool because it helps us manage the dynamics of customer queues and the resources necessary to provide . a quality service. In this context, the objective of this project is to optimize the operations of service companies by analyzing aspects such as arrival rates, service capacity and waiting times, thus reducing queues and improving customer satisfaction. Data analysis is carried out to obtain information such as numbers of customers in queue, arrival rates, speed of service and much more, resulting in a positive difference in the reduction of customer service queues and waiting times. These analyzes were developed through tables in order to observe the behavior of the system in different scenarios, and thus affirm that the system is more optimal by increasing the service channels, since the average service time in the system decreases as the system increases. time. which increases the number of channels, so the needs of customers can be met in the dispatch of their orders and also in the waiting time. In other words, this project aims to provide an accurate view of order arrival rates and, in turn, service times in order to adjust service capacity and internal processes to reduce queues and minimize lead times. wait, achieving a significant improvement in the customer experience.
Queuing theory is applied to understand and improve the efficiency and quality of service delivery within an organization. It is a valuable tool because it helps us manage the dynamics of customer queues and the resources necessary to provide . a quality service. In this context, the objective of this project is to optimize the operations of service companies by analyzing aspects such as arrival rates, service capacity and waiting times, thus reducing queues and improving customer satisfaction. Data analysis is carried out to obtain information such as numbers of customers in queue, arrival rates, speed of service and much more, resulting in a positive difference in the reduction of customer service queues and waiting times. These analyzes were developed through tables in order to observe the behavior of the system in different scenarios, and thus affirm that the system is more optimal by increasing the service channels, since the average service time in the system decreases as the system increases. time. which increases the number of channels, so the needs of customers can be met in the dispatch of their orders and also in the waiting time. In other words, this project aims to provide an accurate view of order arrival rates and, in turn, service times in order to adjust service capacity and internal processes to reduce queues and minimize lead times. wait, achieving a significant improvement in the customer experience.
Palabras clave
Tasas de llegadas, Clientes en cola, Tiempos de espera, Eficiencia