Bolsas biodegradables como alternativa para disminuir la contaminación ambiental
Amariz L., Jhonny Junior
Labarrera P., Peter Ali
Polo F., Keiler Yesid
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La contaminación es un problema mundial que ha venido afectando considerablemente a nuestro planeta, una gran parte de estos contaminantes son los plásticos, son utilizados masivamente por todo el mundo en muchas aplicaciones y teniendo en cuenta que demoran entre 100 y 400 años en descomponerse, no se les da su respectivo proceso de reciclaje, los plásticos biodegradables son una alternativa viable para tratar de disminuir este impacto negativo y en este proyecto se tiene como enfoque principal impulsar esta utilización de bolsas biodegradables con nuestra fabricación de bolsas con materiales innovadores logrando un proceso sostenible.
Pollution is a global problem that has been affecting our planet considerably, a large part of these pollutants are plastics, they are massively used worldwide in many applications and taking into account that they take between 100 and 400 years to decompose, they are not given their respective recycling process, biodegradable plastics are a viable alternative to try to reduce this negative impact and this project has as its main focus to promote the use of biodegradable bags with our manufacture of bags with innovative materials achieving a sustainable process..
Pollution is a global problem that has been affecting our planet considerably, a large part of these pollutants are plastics, they are massively used worldwide in many applications and taking into account that they take between 100 and 400 years to decompose, they are not given their respective recycling process, biodegradable plastics are a viable alternative to try to reduce this negative impact and this project has as its main focus to promote the use of biodegradable bags with our manufacture of bags with innovative materials achieving a sustainable process..
Palabras clave
Contaminación, Biodegradabilidad, Plásticos, Descomposición, Sostenibilidad, Pollution, Biodegradability, Plastics, Decomposition, Sustainability