Análisis documental sobre las políticas públicas del Estado colombiano direccionadas a la atención integral al adulto mayor, durante los años 2015–2024
Enríquez Ballena, Alejandra
Quintero Gelvez, Wilson de Jesús
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Una de las etapas que más representación tiene en una sociedad es, sin duda
alguna, la que habitualmente se conoce como “tercera edad”. Precisamente, las
personas que hacen parte de esta población, denominadas como “adultos mayores”, se
caracterizan por ser sujetos de especial protección, más aún debido a que se encuentran
en una etapa de la vida donde son más vulnerables. En este orden de ideas, se ha
decidido elaborar el presente ensayo, cuyo objetivo principal es analizar cuáles han sido
las principales políticas públicas que el Estado colombiano ha promulgado, direccionadas
a la población de adultos mayores, teniendo como punto de partida los diferentes
instrumentos internacionales a los cuales se encuentra suscrito el Estado. Para ello, se
han analizado algunos conceptos relevantes dentro de esta temática, a la vez que se
hizo una revisión de la normatividad, tanto internacional como nacional, así como se hizo
una observación a las principales políticas públicas que se han promulgado,
direccionadas específicamente a proteger los derechos de esta población. Dentro de las
conclusiones a las que se llegó, se destaca el hecho de que, aun cuando el Estado ha
hecho un esfuerzo considerable por aplicar estas políticas, en muchas ocasiones éstas
se han creado sin siquiera pensar si la población a la cual van direccionadas está
debidamente preparada o con la debida cultura para afrontar los cambios.
One of the stages that has the most representation in a society is, without a doubt, what is usually known as “third age.” Precisely, the people who are part of this population, known as "older adults", constitute a minority sector of society whose essential characteristic is the fact that they are subjects of special protection, even more so because they are in a stage of life where they are most vulnerable. In this order of ideas, it has been decided to prepare this article, whose main objective is to analyze what have been the main public policies that the Colombian State has enacted, aimed at the elderly population, taking as a starting point the different international instruments to which the State is subscribed. To this end, some relevant concepts within this topic have been analyzed, while a review of regulations, both international and national, was made, as well as an observation was made of the main public policies that have been enacted, specifically aimed at protect the rights of this population. Among the conclusions reached, the fact stands out that, even though the State has made a considerable effort to apply these policies, on many occasions these have been created without even thinking about whether the population to which they are directed is duly prepared or with the proper culture to face changes.
One of the stages that has the most representation in a society is, without a doubt, what is usually known as “third age.” Precisely, the people who are part of this population, known as "older adults", constitute a minority sector of society whose essential characteristic is the fact that they are subjects of special protection, even more so because they are in a stage of life where they are most vulnerable. In this order of ideas, it has been decided to prepare this article, whose main objective is to analyze what have been the main public policies that the Colombian State has enacted, aimed at the elderly population, taking as a starting point the different international instruments to which the State is subscribed. To this end, some relevant concepts within this topic have been analyzed, while a review of regulations, both international and national, was made, as well as an observation was made of the main public policies that have been enacted, specifically aimed at protect the rights of this population. Among the conclusions reached, the fact stands out that, even though the State has made a considerable effort to apply these policies, on many occasions these have been created without even thinking about whether the population to which they are directed is duly prepared or with the proper culture to face changes.
Palabras clave
Políticas públicas, Adulto mayor, Tercera edad, Dignidad, Derechos humanos, Public policies, Older adults, Elderly, Dignity, Fundamental rights