Implementación de un modelo de teoría de colas en un apartado de autoservicio
Salas Roa, Gisselle Valentina
Muñoz Iglesias, Amelia Cristina
Echavarría Collante, Anderson Peter
Romero De La Rosa, Mario Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingeniería
Facultad de Ingeniería
La teoría de colas es el estudio matemático de los sistemas de filas o líneas de espera dentro de un sistema
de servicio o productivo. Esta teoría estudia factores como el tiempo de espera medio en las colas o la
capacidad de trabajo del sistema sin que llegue a colapsar. Esta investigación se hizo con el propósito de
calcular las características de operación del servicio de un autoservicio y estudiar su eficiencia
implementando el modelo analítico tradicional de teoría de colas. Para lo anterior, se realizaron varias
pruebas de tiempo sacando asi datos como; Tiempo entre llegadas, tiempo de llegada, tiempo de inicio de
servicio, tiempo de espera (del cual se busca mejorar), tiempo de servicio y, por último, tiempo de
finalización, implementamos el modelo M/M/c, con c = 4 y c = 5. Los costos totales del sistema también
fueron calculados y analizados. Descubrimos que el promedio del autoservicio se mantiene en promedio
siempre y cuando los clientes lleguen en un lapso de tiempo de 15 minutos. En la implementación el
modelo C=5 es mejor, porque relaciona un menor costo.
Queue theory is the mathematical study of queuing systems or waiting lines within a service or production system. This theory studies factors such as the average waiting time in queues or the work capacity of the system without collapsing. This research was done with the purpose of calculating the operating characteristics of a self-service service and studying its efficiency by implementing the traditional analytical model of queuing theory. For the above, several time tests were carried out, thus obtaining data such as; Time between arrivals, arrival time, service start time, waiting time (of which we seek to improve), service time and, finally, completion time, we implement the M / M / c model, with c = 4 and c = 5. The total costs of the system were also calculated and analyzed. We found that the self-service average stays average as long as customers arrive within 15 minutes. In the implementation, the C = 5 model is better, because it relates to a lower cost.
Queue theory is the mathematical study of queuing systems or waiting lines within a service or production system. This theory studies factors such as the average waiting time in queues or the work capacity of the system without collapsing. This research was done with the purpose of calculating the operating characteristics of a self-service service and studying its efficiency by implementing the traditional analytical model of queuing theory. For the above, several time tests were carried out, thus obtaining data such as; Time between arrivals, arrival time, service start time, waiting time (of which we seek to improve), service time and, finally, completion time, we implement the M / M / c model, with c = 4 and c = 5. The total costs of the system were also calculated and analyzed. We found that the self-service average stays average as long as customers arrive within 15 minutes. In the implementation, the C = 5 model is better, because it relates to a lower cost.
Palabras clave
Tiempos de espera, Sistema de filas de espera, Teoría de colas, Cadenas de llegadas, Probabilidades, Aplicación, Implementación, Waiting times, Queue system, Queuing theory, Arrival chains, Probabilities, Application, Implementation