Los jueces de ejecución de penas y medidas de seguridad y la valoración interdisciplinar para conceder la libertad condicional del condenado recluido en la penitenciaria el bosque de Barranquilla durante los años 2018 a 2021
López Torres, Paulo A.
Noriega De La Hoz, Miguel A.
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El hacinamiento en cárceles de nuestro país es una problema actual y grave, que
los procesos de cumplimientos de penas no están alcanzado su objetivo, la
reinserción social, que es válido tomar experiencias de otros modelos de otros
países, para llegar a la rehabilitación del condenado. Pues expedida la Ley 1709 de
2014, que flexibilizo las medidas preventivas, otorgo subrogados penales, libertad
condicional con la finalidad de disminuir la superpoblación carcelaria, entre otros,
no ha alcanzado su fin.
Fijando nuestra atención en la valoración que están haciendo los jueces de
Ejecución de Penas y Medidas, en las peticiones de libertad condicional de los
condenados recluidos en los centros penitenciarios de la ciudad de Barranquilla,
resaltamos el importante papel que ellos cumplen, dentro de los procesos de
ejecución de penas y sin apartarnos del lado humano de los condenados, con la
esperanza de buscar una salida al hacinamiento carcelario, a la deshumanización
que afecta a esta población, al preocupante aumento de violencia y criminalidad al
interior de las cárceles.
Exponiendo con claridad que, en el proceso de resocialización, el juez es el principal
actor, llamado a conocer de primera mano y de forma integral el desarrollo y
cumplimiento de la pena de cada condenado de modo individual.
Overcrowding in prisons in our country is a current and serious problem, that the processes of serving sentences are not reaching their objective, social reintegration, that it is valid to take experiences of other models from other countries, to reach the rehabilitation of the convicted. Well, Law 1709 of 2014, which made preventive measures more flexible, granted criminal surrogates, parole in order to reduce prison overcrowding, among others, has not reached its end. Focusing our attention on the assessment that the judges of Execution of Penalties and Measures are making, in the requests for conditional release of the convicts held in the penitentiary centers of the city of Barranquilla, we highlight the important role that they play, within the processes of execution of sentences and without departing from the human side of the condemned, with the hope of finding a way out of prison overcrowding, the dehumanization that affects this population, the worrying increase in violence and criminality inside prisons. Clearly stating that, in the resocialization process, the judge is the main actor, called to know first-hand and in an integral way the development and fulfillment of the sentence of each individual sentenced person.
Overcrowding in prisons in our country is a current and serious problem, that the processes of serving sentences are not reaching their objective, social reintegration, that it is valid to take experiences of other models from other countries, to reach the rehabilitation of the convicted. Well, Law 1709 of 2014, which made preventive measures more flexible, granted criminal surrogates, parole in order to reduce prison overcrowding, among others, has not reached its end. Focusing our attention on the assessment that the judges of Execution of Penalties and Measures are making, in the requests for conditional release of the convicts held in the penitentiary centers of the city of Barranquilla, we highlight the important role that they play, within the processes of execution of sentences and without departing from the human side of the condemned, with the hope of finding a way out of prison overcrowding, the dehumanization that affects this population, the worrying increase in violence and criminality inside prisons. Clearly stating that, in the resocialization process, the judge is the main actor, called to know first-hand and in an integral way the development and fulfillment of the sentence of each individual sentenced person.
Palabras clave
Libertad condicional, Valoración interdisciplinar, Jueces de ejecución, Probation, Interdisciplinary assessment, Execution judges