Evaluación legal de las acciones para el beneficio de las personas con discapacidad en Valledupar
Carrillo Mindiola, Elver Jesús
García Díaz, Elkin Rafael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La Convención Internacional de los Derechos de las Personas Con Discapacidad de las Naciones Unidas, dispuso que el término adecuado para referirse a este grupo sea personas con discapacidad o personas en situación de discapacidad, considerándose como los únicos correctos a nivel mundial. De relevancia es, que esta Convención busca garantizar para las personas con discapacidad el goce de sus derechos en condición de igualdad, así como el respeto a su dignidad. En coherencia con lo anterior, la igualdad de derechos para todas las personas es promulgada en la Constitución Política de Colombia, algo de importancia para los grupos minoritarios, como es el caso de las personas en situación de discapacidad, que agrupan el 6% de la población de Valledupar y para quienes en el presente proyecto se busca evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de políticas públicas en beneficio de ellas mismas. Como capital del Cesar, Valledupar cuenta con una Política Pública de Discapacidad, aprobada en 2018, con la misión de abrir espacio a las Personas con Discapacidad a fin de que puedan hacer cumplir sus derechos y también sus deberes. El municipio presenta una prevalencia del 4,82% de personas identificadas con limitaciones permanentes. Como capital del departamento y considerando la normatividad vigente, el presente proyecto busca responder al interrogante ¿cuál ha sido el efecto de la aplicación de políticas públicas para atención de Personas con Discapacidad en el municipio de Valledupar en el periodo 2014 – 2020?
Objetivo: Elaborar un diagnóstico de la aplicación de políticas públicas para atención de Personas con Discapacidad en el municipio de Valledupar
The International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Nations, established that the appropriate term to refer to this group is people with disabilities or people with disabilities, being considered the only correct ones worldwide. It is relevant that this Convention seeks to guarantee for people with disabilities the enjoyment of their rights on an equal basis, as well as respect for their dignity. Consistent with the above, equal rights for all people is promulgated in the Political Constitution of Colombia, something of importance for minority groups, such as people with disabilities, who make up 6% of the population. population of Valledupar and for whom the present project seeks to evaluate the effect of the application of public policies for their benefit. As the capital of Cesar, Valledupar has a Public Disability Policy, approved in 2018, with the mission of opening space for People with Disabilities so that they can enforce their rights and also their duties. The municipality has a prevalence of 4.82% of people identified with permanent limitations. As capital of the department and considering current regulations, this project seeks to answer the question, what has been the effect of the application of public policies for the care of People with Disabilities in the municipality of Valledupar in the period 2014-2020? Objective: Prepare a diagnosis of the application of public policies for the care of People with Disabilities in the municipality of Valledupar
The International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Nations, established that the appropriate term to refer to this group is people with disabilities or people with disabilities, being considered the only correct ones worldwide. It is relevant that this Convention seeks to guarantee for people with disabilities the enjoyment of their rights on an equal basis, as well as respect for their dignity. Consistent with the above, equal rights for all people is promulgated in the Political Constitution of Colombia, something of importance for minority groups, such as people with disabilities, who make up 6% of the population. population of Valledupar and for whom the present project seeks to evaluate the effect of the application of public policies for their benefit. As the capital of Cesar, Valledupar has a Public Disability Policy, approved in 2018, with the mission of opening space for People with Disabilities so that they can enforce their rights and also their duties. The municipality has a prevalence of 4.82% of people identified with permanent limitations. As capital of the department and considering current regulations, this project seeks to answer the question, what has been the effect of the application of public policies for the care of People with Disabilities in the municipality of Valledupar in the period 2014-2020? Objective: Prepare a diagnosis of the application of public policies for the care of People with Disabilities in the municipality of Valledupar
Palabras clave
Discapacidad, Personas con discapacidad, Derechos, Ley estatutaria 1618 de 2013, Políticas públicas, Inversión pública, Disability, People with disabilities, Rights, Statutory Law 1618 of 2013, Public policies, Public investment