Tabúes sobre sexualidad en la Institución Educativa Distrital San Luis
Afanador Yañez, Liliana Marcela
Caro Vega, Erika Patricia
Dávila Gutiérrez, Maria Camila
Pertuz Flórez, Kerlys Johana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación está basada en los tabúes que todavía se ven alrededor de la sexualidad donde padres, profesores y personas mayores les causa vergüenza, apatía o creen que es innecesario hablar sobre sexualidad. Así mismo, la sexualidad es algo natural en el hombre pero que en diferentes épocas y en las distintas culturas ha causado diferentes enfoques y se ha visto o tratado diferente de acuerdo con su desarrollo cultural, creencias religiosas y costumbres. De esta manera se aborda la sexualidad en el siglo XVII refiriéndonos a Grecia donde empezó a existir libertad para hablar de sexualidad, en el siglo XVIII y XIX la sexualidad se reglamenta y comienza la opresión de ésta, y durante el siglo XX se da la educación sexual en diferentes países desarrollados como forma de controlar el crecimiento demográfico, en estos diferentes siglos la sexualidad se fue constituyendo y transformando desde diferentes enfoques. La educación sexual es esa construcción teórica que se logra a través de herramientas comunicativas, que permitan que las personas reconocen la diversidad que existe hoy en día, y como en medio de todos esos conocimientos, ideologías y experiencias, se logra crear un vínculo de respeto por el otro. Debe ser aplicada como un proceso, que maneje diferentes pautas para lograr el objetivo que se quiere, que es esa divulgación de conocimientos, que deberían saberlo todos, y más aún cuando se habla de salud reproductiva, y de ese proceso saludable que tenemos que tener con nosotros mismo, para poner en práctica aquellos conocimientos. para la aplicación de aquellos conocimientos que se quieren impartir en la sociedad, referente a la educación sexual, y de qué manera ella puede ser un factor influyente en la vida de cada uno de los ciudadanos, que conformamos y creamos sociedad, debido a que este es uno de los puntos fundamentales de la educación sexual, darle todos los enfoques que ella posee, no limitarse a la sexualidad convencional, que ya cuenta con los métodos de prevención, y charlas edu-comunicativas del cuidado de la salud reproductiva.
The research is based on the taboos that are still seen around sexuality where parents, teachers and older people are ashamed, apathetic or believe that it is unnecessary to talk about sexuality. Likewise, sexuality is something natural in man but that at different times and in different cultures has caused different approaches and has been seen or treated differently according to their cultural development, religious beliefs and customs. In this way, sexuality is approached in the 17th century, referring to Greece where there began to be freedom to talk about sexuality, in the 18th and 19th centuries sexuality was regulated and its oppression began, and during the 20th century education took place. sexuality in different developed countries as a way to control population growth, in these different centuries sexuality was constituted and transformed from different approaches. Sex education is that theoretical construction that is achieved through communication tools, which allow people to recognize the diversity that exists today, and how in the midst of all this knowledge, ideologies and experiences, it is possible to create a bond of respect. for the other. It must be applied as a process that manages different guidelines to achieve the desired objective, which is the dissemination of knowledge that everyone should know, and even more so when talking about reproductive health, and that healthy process that we have to have. with ourselves, to put that knowledge into practice. for the application of that knowledge that is wanted to be imparted in society, regarding sexual education, and how it can be an influential factor in the life of each one of the citizens, who form and create society, because this It is one of the fundamental points of sexual education, giving her all the approaches that she has, not being limited to conventional sexuality, which already has prevention methods, and edu-communicative talks on reproductive health care.
The research is based on the taboos that are still seen around sexuality where parents, teachers and older people are ashamed, apathetic or believe that it is unnecessary to talk about sexuality. Likewise, sexuality is something natural in man but that at different times and in different cultures has caused different approaches and has been seen or treated differently according to their cultural development, religious beliefs and customs. In this way, sexuality is approached in the 17th century, referring to Greece where there began to be freedom to talk about sexuality, in the 18th and 19th centuries sexuality was regulated and its oppression began, and during the 20th century education took place. sexuality in different developed countries as a way to control population growth, in these different centuries sexuality was constituted and transformed from different approaches. Sex education is that theoretical construction that is achieved through communication tools, which allow people to recognize the diversity that exists today, and how in the midst of all this knowledge, ideologies and experiences, it is possible to create a bond of respect. for the other. It must be applied as a process that manages different guidelines to achieve the desired objective, which is the dissemination of knowledge that everyone should know, and even more so when talking about reproductive health, and that healthy process that we have to have. with ourselves, to put that knowledge into practice. for the application of that knowledge that is wanted to be imparted in society, regarding sexual education, and how it can be an influential factor in the life of each one of the citizens, who form and create society, because this It is one of the fundamental points of sexual education, giving her all the approaches that she has, not being limited to conventional sexuality, which already has prevention methods, and edu-communicative talks on reproductive health care.
Palabras clave
Sexualidad, Educación sexual, Enfoque constructivista, Sexualidad juvenil, Sexualidad integral, Sexuality, Sexual education, Constructivist approach, Youth sexuality, Integral sexuality