Toxicidad asociada a residuos de carbón en personas expuestas a minería
Cerón Vasallo, Andrés Felipe
Arrieta Ospino, Daniel Esteban
Barros Serna, Gloria
Jiménez Romero, Leonardo David
Mora Barrios, Daniela Carolina
Silva Silva, María Isabel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La minería es un sector estratégico para el desarrollo de los países, a lo largo de los años se han explotado la extracción de carbón en muchos lugares, en Colombia el carbón es el segundo producto más importante en exportación; sin embargo, son muchas las consecuencias que esto trae consigo, múltiples enfermedades, daños al medio ambiente como la perdida de suelos, ecosistemas deteriorados e incluso la sociedad también se ve afectada por el mal manejo de esta actividad. En el minero de carbón, o personas que tenga contacto directo o indirecto con el carbón, la inhalación del polvo de estas minas puede tener consecuencias como el bloqueo de la entrada y salida de aire de los pulmones generando enfermedades respiratorias como el enfisema, la bronquitis crónica entre otras; así mismo se ha logrado evidenciar a lo largo de los años que existe una relación de las alteraciones genéticas asociadas a componentes del carbón producidos por la minería, que lleven al desarrollo de distintas patologías, dependiendo de la mutación como por ejemplo el gen ATG5 con el polimorfismo rs51043 asociado a la neumoconiosis, y un sinfín de patologías que afectan otros sistemas, no solo el respiratorio, sino también, cardiovascular, cutáneo, entre otros. La Organización Mundial de la Salud he descrito la relación que tiene la contaminación de los aires con la aparición de ciertas enfermedades que han puesto en riesgo la salud humana, y que de forma prolongada la exposición a el aire contaminado por carbón puede ocasionar incluso la muerte.
Mining is a strategic sector for the development of countries, over the years coal mining has been exploited in many places, in Colombia coal is the second most important export product; however, there are many consequences that this brings with it, multiple diseases, environmental damage such as loss of soil, degraded ecosystems and even society is also affected by the mismanagement of this activity. Autores: Cristiano Trindade1 , Andrés Felipe Cerón Vasallo1 , Daniel Esteban Arrieta Ospino1 , Gloria Barros Serna1 , Leonardo David Jiménez Romero1 , Daniela Carolina Mora Barrios1 , María Isabel Silva Silva1 . 1. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia. La correspondencia debe ser enviada a Cristiano Trindade; 2 In coal miners, or people who have direct or indirect contact with coal, the inhalation of dust from these mines can have consequences such as blocking the entry and exit of air from the lungs, generating respiratory diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, among others; It has also been shown over the years that there is a relationship of genetic alterations associated with coal components produced by mining, leading to the development of different pathologies, depending on the mutation such as the ATG5 gene with the rs51043 polymorphism associated with pneumoconiosis, and a host of pathologies that affect other systems, not only the respiratory, but also cardiovascular, skin, among others. The World Health Organization has described the relationship that air pollution has with the appearance of certain diseases that have put human health at risk, and that prolonged exposure to air polluted by coal can even cause death.
Mining is a strategic sector for the development of countries, over the years coal mining has been exploited in many places, in Colombia coal is the second most important export product; however, there are many consequences that this brings with it, multiple diseases, environmental damage such as loss of soil, degraded ecosystems and even society is also affected by the mismanagement of this activity. Autores: Cristiano Trindade1 , Andrés Felipe Cerón Vasallo1 , Daniel Esteban Arrieta Ospino1 , Gloria Barros Serna1 , Leonardo David Jiménez Romero1 , Daniela Carolina Mora Barrios1 , María Isabel Silva Silva1 . 1. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia. La correspondencia debe ser enviada a Cristiano Trindade; 2 In coal miners, or people who have direct or indirect contact with coal, the inhalation of dust from these mines can have consequences such as blocking the entry and exit of air from the lungs, generating respiratory diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, among others; It has also been shown over the years that there is a relationship of genetic alterations associated with coal components produced by mining, leading to the development of different pathologies, depending on the mutation such as the ATG5 gene with the rs51043 polymorphism associated with pneumoconiosis, and a host of pathologies that affect other systems, not only the respiratory, but also cardiovascular, skin, among others. The World Health Organization has described the relationship that air pollution has with the appearance of certain diseases that have put human health at risk, and that prolonged exposure to air polluted by coal can even cause death.
Palabras clave
Genotoxicidad, Mutación, Carbón, Minería, Genes, Genotoxicity, Nutation, Coal, Mining, Genes