Estrategias didácticas de convivencia escolar mediadas por TIC para la formación de competencias ciudadanas
Toscano Carrillo, Paola Esmeralda
Melo Peñaranda, Germán Uriel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación desarrolló como finalidad el proponer estrategias didácticas de convivencia escolar mediadas por el uso de las Tic, con el fin de formar en competencias ciudadanas, que transforme la práctica pedagógica para esta formación en ciudadanía en los docentes de la Institución Educativa. Es abordada desde perspectivas teóricas tales como Murillo & Castañeda (2007), Matsui, Huerta, Zambrano y Pérez (2014), Magendzo (2004), Cortina (1997), Chaux, (2004), Pérez & Telleria (2012).
La investigación asumió una metodología fundamentada en el paradigma interpretativo, debido a que buscamos comprender la realidad de nuestro objeto de estudio. Se aplicó el enfoque cualitativo y como diseño se utilizó el Fenomenológico, teniendo en cuenta que este diseño identifica las realidades de los sujetos inmersos en el contexto, los cuales en nuestro caso pertenecen a la zona del Catatumbo, Vereda La Llana del municipio de Tibú, y de acuerdo al criterio de selección por conveniencia se tuvieron en cuenta 10 estudiantes del grado octavo de la Institución, para la implementación de la entrevista como uno de los instrumentos de recolección de datos, pues también se llevó a cabo la revisión documental. Gracias a los resultados de esta información encontramos que la mayoría de la población entrevistada opina que se requiere una formación en ciudadanía en la Institución. Este trabajo pretende aportar a los estudiantes el mejoramiento de la convivencia escolar y de esta manera poder llegar también a una mejor convivencia en la vereda.
The purpose of this research was to propose didactic strategies for school coexistence, in order to train in citizen skills mediated by the use of ICT, which transforms the pedagogical practice for this training in citizenship in the teachers of the Educational Institution. It is approached from theoretical perspectives such as Murillo & Castañeda (2007), Matsui, Huerta, Zambrano and Pérez (2014), Magendzo (2004), Cortina (1997), Chaux, (2004), Pérez & Telleria (2012). The research assumed a methodology based on the interpretive paradigm, because we seek to understand the reality of our object of study. The qualitative approach was applied and as a design the Phenomenological was used, taking into account that this design identifies the realities of the subjects immersed in the context, which in our case belong to the Catatumbo area, vereda la llana of the municipality of Tibú, and according to the selection criteria for convenience, 10 students of the eighth grade of the Institution were taken into account, for the implementation of the interview as one of the data collection instruments, since the documentary review was also carried out. Thanks to the results of this information, we find that the majority of the interviewed population believes that citizenship training is required at the Institution. This work tries to contribute to the students the improvement of the school coexistence and in this way to be able to also reach a better coexistence on the sidewalk.
The purpose of this research was to propose didactic strategies for school coexistence, in order to train in citizen skills mediated by the use of ICT, which transforms the pedagogical practice for this training in citizenship in the teachers of the Educational Institution. It is approached from theoretical perspectives such as Murillo & Castañeda (2007), Matsui, Huerta, Zambrano and Pérez (2014), Magendzo (2004), Cortina (1997), Chaux, (2004), Pérez & Telleria (2012). The research assumed a methodology based on the interpretive paradigm, because we seek to understand the reality of our object of study. The qualitative approach was applied and as a design the Phenomenological was used, taking into account that this design identifies the realities of the subjects immersed in the context, which in our case belong to the Catatumbo area, vereda la llana of the municipality of Tibú, and according to the selection criteria for convenience, 10 students of the eighth grade of the Institution were taken into account, for the implementation of the interview as one of the data collection instruments, since the documentary review was also carried out. Thanks to the results of this information, we find that the majority of the interviewed population believes that citizenship training is required at the Institution. This work tries to contribute to the students the improvement of the school coexistence and in this way to be able to also reach a better coexistence on the sidewalk.
Palabras clave
Convivencia escolar, Contexto, Competencias ciudadanas, TIC, School coexistence, Context, Citizen skills, TIC