Prevalencia de las combinaciones de componentes del síndrome metabólico en el municipio San Cristóbal, Táchira, Venezuela
No hay miniatura disponible
Mata, Katy R.
Bermúdez, Valmore
Villalobos, Edimar
Guerrero, Ybrain
Añez, Roberto J.
Rojas, Joselyn
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Cooperativa servicios y suministros 212518 RS
Introducción: El síndrome metabólico (SM) se define
como un conjunto de factores de riesgo que aumentan
la probabilidad del desarrollo de Diabetes Mellitus y enfermedades
cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, en nuestra
localidad no se ha estudiado el comportamiento de las
combinatorias de criterios del SM, por lo que el objetivo
de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de las combinaciones
de componentes del SM en el municipio San
Cristóbal, Venezuela.
Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal,
con muestreo aleatorio y multietápico en 362 individuos
de ambos sexos, a quienes se les determinaron los componentes
(2009). La presencia de insulinorresistencia (IR) fue evaluada
mediante el HOMA2-IR.
Resultados: La prevalencia de SM fue de 51,4% (n=186)
para la población general. La combinatoria de SM más
frecuente fue la que incluyó a todos los criterios con un
16,1% (n=30); seguido de la presencia de las combinatorias
CPHT (C: obesidad abdominal, P: presión arterial
elevada ó HTA, H: HDL-C bajas y T: TAG elevados) con un
12,4% (n=23). La combinatoria CPGT fue la que presentó
mayor frecuencia de IR con un 60,0% seguido por CPHT
que presentó 43,48% de IR y seguido de Todos los criterios
con una prevalencia de IR similar de 43,33%.
Conclusiones: El SM presentó una alta prevalencia en
nuestra población. Las combinatorias más frecuentes fueron
las que presentaron el criterio de circunferencia abdominal
elevada, mientras que las menos frecuentes carecieron
de éste. De manera similar las combinaciones con
obesidad abdominal fueron las que mostraron una mayor
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is defined as a set of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease. However, in our town not studied the behavior of combinatorial criteria for MS, so the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of combinations of components of MS in the municipality of San Cristobal, Venezuela. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a multistage and randomized sampling on 362 individuals of both sexes, who were identified as components MS by IDF/AHA/NHLBI/WHF/IAS/IASO (2009) criteria’s. The presence of insulin resistance (IR) was assessed by HOMA2-IR. Results: The prevalence of MS was 51,4% (n=186) for the general population. The most frequent MS cluster was that included all the criteria 16,1% (n=30); followed by the presence of AO-HBP-LowH-ET (AO: abdominal obesity, HBP: High blood pressure or hypertension, Low-H: low HDL-C and ET: Elevated TAG) combinatorial 12,4% (n=23). The combinatorial AO-HBP-HG-ET (AO: abdominal obesity, HBP: High blood pressure or hypertension, HG: Hyperglycemia or T2DM: Elevated TAG) was the one with higher frequency of IR with 60,0% followed by AOHBP- LowH-ET presented 43,48% of IR and followed by all criteria with a prevalence similar IR of 43.33%. Conclusions: The MS showed a high prevalence in our population. Combinatorial frequently were the criteria presented elevated waist circumference, while less frequent lacked it. Similarly combinations with abdominal obesity were those that showed increased insulin resistance.
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is defined as a set of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease. However, in our town not studied the behavior of combinatorial criteria for MS, so the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of combinations of components of MS in the municipality of San Cristobal, Venezuela. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a multistage and randomized sampling on 362 individuals of both sexes, who were identified as components MS by IDF/AHA/NHLBI/WHF/IAS/IASO (2009) criteria’s. The presence of insulin resistance (IR) was assessed by HOMA2-IR. Results: The prevalence of MS was 51,4% (n=186) for the general population. The most frequent MS cluster was that included all the criteria 16,1% (n=30); followed by the presence of AO-HBP-LowH-ET (AO: abdominal obesity, HBP: High blood pressure or hypertension, Low-H: low HDL-C and ET: Elevated TAG) combinatorial 12,4% (n=23). The combinatorial AO-HBP-HG-ET (AO: abdominal obesity, HBP: High blood pressure or hypertension, HG: Hyperglycemia or T2DM: Elevated TAG) was the one with higher frequency of IR with 60,0% followed by AOHBP- LowH-ET presented 43,48% of IR and followed by all criteria with a prevalence similar IR of 43.33%. Conclusions: The MS showed a high prevalence in our population. Combinatorial frequently were the criteria presented elevated waist circumference, while less frequent lacked it. Similarly combinations with abdominal obesity were those that showed increased insulin resistance.
Palabras clave
Síndrome Metabólico, Criterios diagnósticos, Resistencia a la insulina, Factores de riesgo, Enfermedad cardiovascular, Metabolic syndrome, Diagnostic criteria, Insulin resistance, Risk factors, Cardiovascular disease