Contratación estatal durante la pandemia causada por el COVID-19: análisis legal y jurisprudencial
Velandia Rojas, José Herlin
Meza Torres, Martha Johana
Bríñez Castro, Jairo Isidoro
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Con la declaratoria de pandemia por parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud – OMS, el Estado colombiano se vio en la obligación de mudar gran parte de su funcionamiento a un escenario virtual. Dentro de los aspectos que se mudaron se encuentra la contratación estatal. El objetivo de este proyecto es analizar, a partir de una perspectiva legal y jurisprudencial, el manejo que se le dio a la contratación estatal durante la pandemia que se causó por el virus COVID-19. La metodología utilizada fue el enfoque cualitativo. Así mismo, se usaron fuentes de tipo documental: leyes, jurisprudencias y doctrinas. Además, se pudo observar que, en relación a la modernización de los procesos de contratación, el traslado obligado a la virtualidad dejó ver que tal preparación del Estado en esta materia se encontraba en una etapa inicial. Sin embargo, el escenario pandémico permitió que plataformas como la SECOP II tuvieran mayor relevancia y sirvieran no solo para realizar los procesos contractuales, sino para que la misma sociedad ejerciera un control sobre estos. A manera de conclusión, se pudo observar que el uso de la virtualidad en la contratación estatal sirvió para dar un avance definitivo en la modernización de los procedimientos propios del engranaje estatal. Adicional a ello, el Congreso de la República promulgó la Ley 2195 de 2022, normativa con la cual se creó una intención de generar en el entramado público una cultura que estuviera encaminada con la integralidad y la legalidad
With the declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organization - WHO, the Colombian State was forced to move much of its operation to a virtual setting. State contracting is among the aspects that have changed. The objective of this project is to analyze, from a legal and jurisprudential perspective, the management that was given to state contracting during the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. The methodology used was the qualitative approach. Likewise, documentary sources were used: laws, jurisprudence and doctrines. In addition, it was possible to observe that, in relation to the modernization of the contracting processes, the forced transfer to virtuality revealed that such preparation of the State in this matter was in an initial stage. However, the pandemic scenario allowed platforms such as SECOP II to become more relevant and serve not only to carry out contractual processes, but also for the company itself to exercise control over them. In conclusion, it was possible to observe that the use of virtuality in state contracting served to give a definitive advance in the modernization of the procedures of the state machinery. In addition to this, the Congress of the Republic promulgated Law 2195 of 2022, a regulation with which an intention was created to generate in the public framework a culture that was directed towards integrity and legality.
With the declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organization - WHO, the Colombian State was forced to move much of its operation to a virtual setting. State contracting is among the aspects that have changed. The objective of this project is to analyze, from a legal and jurisprudential perspective, the management that was given to state contracting during the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. The methodology used was the qualitative approach. Likewise, documentary sources were used: laws, jurisprudence and doctrines. In addition, it was possible to observe that, in relation to the modernization of the contracting processes, the forced transfer to virtuality revealed that such preparation of the State in this matter was in an initial stage. However, the pandemic scenario allowed platforms such as SECOP II to become more relevant and serve not only to carry out contractual processes, but also for the company itself to exercise control over them. In conclusion, it was possible to observe that the use of virtuality in state contracting served to give a definitive advance in the modernization of the procedures of the state machinery. In addition to this, the Congress of the Republic promulgated Law 2195 of 2022, a regulation with which an intention was created to generate in the public framework a culture that was directed towards integrity and legality.
Palabras clave
COVID-19, Contratación estatal, SECOP II, Virtualidad, Derecho administrativo, COVID-19, State contracting, SECOP II, Virtuality, Administrative law