Factores de riesgo asociados a tuberculosis y farmacorresistencia de la tuberculosis en pacientes atendidos en una ESE de primer nivel de Soledad, Atlántico en el periodo 2016-2019
Caraballo Parra, Daniela Marcela
Marin Baldovino, Adriana Lucia
Salgado Araujo, Mayra Alejandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: La tuberculosis aún es la enfermedad infecciosa más letal del mundo. Esta patología es causada por la bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, un bacilo ácido alcohol resistente, por lo general afecta a los pulmones, aunque existen hasta en un tercio formas extrapulmonares. Las comorbilidades son factores de riesgo importantes para la adquisición de la enfermedad, dentro de estos encontramos principalmente.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a tuberculosis y farmacorresistencia de la tuberculosis en pacientes de una ESE de primer nivel de Soledad, Atlántico en el periodo 2016-2019.
Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal.
Resultados: De los 468 pacientes con diagnóstico de tuberculosis el 65% fueron masculinos frente a un 35% de población femenina. El rango de edad de mayor predominio fue de los 20 a 29 años con un 24%. El estrato socioeconómico de predominio fue el 1 con un 80% de total de la población.
La comorbilidad con mayor número de pacientes fue VIH, esta coinfección tuvo un porcentaje de 14.52 % de la población total con 68 pacientes. Le sigue en frecuencia la diabetes mellitus con 39 pacientes que representa un 8.33%. El 7.2% de los pacientes presentó farmacorresistencia con un predominio de monorresistencia.
Conclusiones: La tuberculosis sigue siendo una enfermedad con una alta prevalencia, especialmente en países con malas condiciones socioeconómicas y una importante desigualdad social como Colombia. Las personas que están en una edad productiva son más susceptibles a adquirir la infección, lo que tiene como consecuencia una carga económica para el Estado y pérdida de fuerza laboral por el componente de morbimortalidad que lleva consigo la tuberculosis.
Introduction: Tuberculosis is still the most lethal infectious disease in the world. This pathology is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a resistant bacillus alcohol, usually affecting the lungs, although they exist in up to one-third extrapulmonary forms. Comorbidities are important risk factors for the acquisition of the disease, within these we find mainly. Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with tuberculosis and tuberculosis drug resistance in patients with a first-level ESE in Soledad, Atlántico in the period 2016-2019. Methodology: A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional. Results: Of the 468 patients diagnosed with tuberculosis, 65% were male and 35% female. The highest age range was 20-29 years with 24%. The predominant socioeconomic stratum was 1 with 80% of the total population. The comorbidity with the largest number of patients was HIV, this co-infection had a percentage of 14.52% of the total population with 68 patients. It is followed frequently by diabetes mellitus with 39 patients representing 8.33%. 7.2% of patients had drug resistance with a predominance of monoresistance. Conclusions: Tuberculosis remains a high-prevalence disease, especially in countries with poor socio-economic conditions and significant social inequality such as Colombia. People who are in a productive age are more susceptible to infection, resulting in an economic burden on the State and a loss of labour due to the morbidity and mortality component of tuberculosis.
Introduction: Tuberculosis is still the most lethal infectious disease in the world. This pathology is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a resistant bacillus alcohol, usually affecting the lungs, although they exist in up to one-third extrapulmonary forms. Comorbidities are important risk factors for the acquisition of the disease, within these we find mainly. Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with tuberculosis and tuberculosis drug resistance in patients with a first-level ESE in Soledad, Atlántico in the period 2016-2019. Methodology: A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional. Results: Of the 468 patients diagnosed with tuberculosis, 65% were male and 35% female. The highest age range was 20-29 years with 24%. The predominant socioeconomic stratum was 1 with 80% of the total population. The comorbidity with the largest number of patients was HIV, this co-infection had a percentage of 14.52% of the total population with 68 patients. It is followed frequently by diabetes mellitus with 39 patients representing 8.33%. 7.2% of patients had drug resistance with a predominance of monoresistance. Conclusions: Tuberculosis remains a high-prevalence disease, especially in countries with poor socio-economic conditions and significant social inequality such as Colombia. People who are in a productive age are more susceptible to infection, resulting in an economic burden on the State and a loss of labour due to the morbidity and mortality component of tuberculosis.
Palabras clave
Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis farmacorresistente, Factores de riesgo, Coinfección, Tuberculosis, Drug-resistant tuberculosis, Risk factors, Co-infection