Cuidados de enfermería en gestante adolescente con infección del tracto urinario en un hospital de Barranquilla 2019-1
Benedetti Quintero, Genesis Patricia
González Parada, Harold Steven
Marrugo López, Jennifer Edelia
Fontalvo Muñoz, Michell Katherine
Vargas Santiago, Kevin Jesús
Adarraga Escorcia, Yulis
Blanco, Geraldine
Doria, Luz
Tapias, Saray
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Las intervenciones de enfermería se fundamentan mediante el Proceso de Atención de Enfermería, siendo este un método sistemático, organizado, lógico y secuencial, que sirve para brindar cuidados eficientes, oportunos y eficaces. Objetivo: Proporcionar cuidados de enfermería a gestante adolescente con infección del tracto urinario en un instituto prestador de salud de II nivel de atención de la ciudad de Barranquilla 2019-1. Metodología: Reporte de caso clínico, gestante adolescente de 15años, los instrumentos aplicados fueron: Familiograma, Ecomap, Apgar y el proceso de Atención de Enfermería se abarcó desde la teoría de Betty Neuman. Resultados: los diagnósticos identificados fueron deterioro de la eliminación urinaria R/C infección urinaria, se encontró escala 1. Grave, debido al aumento de leucocitos y luego de haber realizado las intervenciones en la paciente según sus necesidades paso a una escala de 3. Moderado. El siguiente diagnóstico fue gestión ineficaz de su propia salud R/C déficit de conocimiento sobre su enfermedad, encontrándose en una escala de 1. Nunca demostrado Modifica el estilo de vida para reducir el riesgo, una vez realizadas las intervenciones la paciente paso de una escala 1. Nunca demostrado a una escala 4. Frecuentemente demostrado pudiendo así notar una mejoría en el estado de salud de la paciente. Conclusiones: Al otorgar los cuidados de enfermería con calidad y la atención integral a la paciente, mediante la aplicación del Proceso de Enfermería, y al utilizar la teoría de Betty Neuman, mejorando la salud y permitiéndole darle de alta al paciente.
Nursing interventions are based on the Nursing Care Process (PAE), this being a systematic, organized, logical and sequential method, which serves to provide efficient, timely and effective care. Objective: Provide nursing care to pregnant adolescent with urinary tract infection in a health care provider institute of II level of care in the city of Barranquilla 2019-1.Methodology: Report of a clinical case, 15-year-old pregnant adolescent, the following instruments were applied Familiogram, ecomap, apgar and for the development of the Nursing Care Process according to Betty Neuman's theory. Results: Two diagnoses were identified, Impaired urinary elimination R / C Urinary infection, a scale of 1. Severe was found, increased leukocytes and after having performed the interventions on the patient according to her needs, this step of a scale of 1. Severe on a scale of 3. Moderate. The next identified diagnosis is Ineffective management of your own health R / C Knowledge deficit about your illness. It was found on a scale of 1. Never proven Modify lifestyle to reduce risk. Once the interventions had been carried out, the patient went from a scale of 1. Never demonstrated to a scale of 4. Frequently demonstrated, thus being able to notice an improvement in the patient's health status. Conclusions: By providing quality nursing care and comprehensive care to the patient, through the application of the Nursing Process, and by using Betty Neuman's theory, which allows a solid fundamental basis
Nursing interventions are based on the Nursing Care Process (PAE), this being a systematic, organized, logical and sequential method, which serves to provide efficient, timely and effective care. Objective: Provide nursing care to pregnant adolescent with urinary tract infection in a health care provider institute of II level of care in the city of Barranquilla 2019-1.Methodology: Report of a clinical case, 15-year-old pregnant adolescent, the following instruments were applied Familiogram, ecomap, apgar and for the development of the Nursing Care Process according to Betty Neuman's theory. Results: Two diagnoses were identified, Impaired urinary elimination R / C Urinary infection, a scale of 1. Severe was found, increased leukocytes and after having performed the interventions on the patient according to her needs, this step of a scale of 1. Severe on a scale of 3. Moderate. The next identified diagnosis is Ineffective management of your own health R / C Knowledge deficit about your illness. It was found on a scale of 1. Never proven Modify lifestyle to reduce risk. Once the interventions had been carried out, the patient went from a scale of 1. Never demonstrated to a scale of 4. Frequently demonstrated, thus being able to notice an improvement in the patient's health status. Conclusions: By providing quality nursing care and comprehensive care to the patient, through the application of the Nursing Process, and by using Betty Neuman's theory, which allows a solid fundamental basis
Palabras clave
Cuidados de enfermería, Autocuidado, Salud, Betty Neuman, Nursing care, Self-care, Health, Betty Neuman