Proceso de extensión de la Universidad Simón Bolívar en el marco del problema fronterizo migratorio de Cúcuta.
Andrade Ramírez, Gustavo Adolfo
López Espinel, Duviar Flair
Rico Cote, Jorge Alonso
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Durante el desarrollo del presente artículo de investigación, se propendió por evidenciar el proceso que realiza la Universidad Simón Bolivar sede Cúcuta, desde la dirección de la extensión y como logran identificar la problemática de la migración venezolana, basado en un informe realizado en los municipios de Pedro María Ureña y San Antonio del Táchira, con la población venezolana y migrante de su territorio, en busca de un mejor futuro para ellos y sus familiares, identificando a su vez varias temáticas, como salud, desempleo, prostitución, invasión del espacio público y afectación de un orden social en la ciudad de Cúcuta.
Para ello se trabajó, además del artículo de la extensión, tesis, proyectos de investigación y artículos que le dieran peso al presente proyecto para identificar la crisis económica y social del fenómeno migratorio y las necesidades que padecen los Venezolanos en Colombia al no contar con salud, seguridad, alimentación y donde sus derechos humanos son violentados permanentemente tanto por las autoridades venezolanos como por la sociedad colombiana, debido a que en ocasiones es estigmatizados y señalados por culpa de otros venezolanos que llegan a delinquir y hacer daño en el país. El enfoque del paradigma es de tipo hermenéutico, donde el análisis de documentos es de vital importancia para la interpretación del informe universitario, por consiguiente, la metodología es de tipo cualitativa, dándole orientación al tema central sobre la problemática de la migración del pueblo venezolano a todo el hemisferio del cono sur de América y algunos países centro y Norteamérica.
During the development of this research article, it was intended to demonstrate the process carried out by the Simon Bolivar University headquarters Cucuta, from the direction of the extension and how they manage to identify the problem of Venezuelan migration, based on a report made in the municipalities of Pedro Maria Ureña and San Antonio del Táchira, with the Venezuelan and migrant population of their territory, in search of a better future for themselves and their families, identifying in turn several themes, such as health, unemployment, prostitution, invasion of public space and involvement of a social order in the city of Cucuta. For this, in addition to the extension article, thesis, research projects and articles that gave weight to the present project to identify the economic and social crisis of the migratory phenomenon and the needs that Venezuelans suffer in Colombia by not having health, security, food and where their human rights are permanently violated both by the Venezuelan authorities and by Colombian society, because sometimes they are stigmatized and indicated because of other Venezuelan who commit crimes and harm in the country. The paradigm approach is of the hermeneutical type, sheer the analysis of documents is of vital importance for the interpretation of the university report, therefore the methodology is of a qualitative type, giving guidance to the central issue on the problem of migration of the Venezuelan people to all the hemisphere of the southern cone of America and some Central and North American countries.
During the development of this research article, it was intended to demonstrate the process carried out by the Simon Bolivar University headquarters Cucuta, from the direction of the extension and how they manage to identify the problem of Venezuelan migration, based on a report made in the municipalities of Pedro Maria Ureña and San Antonio del Táchira, with the Venezuelan and migrant population of their territory, in search of a better future for themselves and their families, identifying in turn several themes, such as health, unemployment, prostitution, invasion of public space and involvement of a social order in the city of Cucuta. For this, in addition to the extension article, thesis, research projects and articles that gave weight to the present project to identify the economic and social crisis of the migratory phenomenon and the needs that Venezuelans suffer in Colombia by not having health, security, food and where their human rights are permanently violated both by the Venezuelan authorities and by Colombian society, because sometimes they are stigmatized and indicated because of other Venezuelan who commit crimes and harm in the country. The paradigm approach is of the hermeneutical type, sheer the analysis of documents is of vital importance for the interpretation of the university report, therefore the methodology is of a qualitative type, giving guidance to the central issue on the problem of migration of the Venezuelan people to all the hemisphere of the southern cone of America and some Central and North American countries.
Palabras clave
Emigración, Venezolanos, Problema Social, Extensión universitaria, Emigration, Venezuelans, Social problem, University extension