Elemento teórico del cuidado ecosistémico de la salud en el campo de la enfermería desde un enfoque curricular ecoformador
Orostegui Santander, María Alejandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La necesidad de construir el elemento teórico del cuidado de la salud que aporte en la
perspectiva del cuidado de la salud, un enfoque más humano e integrador del cuidado de la salud, exige
colocar en el contexto del quehacer pedagógico como la práctica profesional, un enfoque curricular que
desde la ecoformación, permita reflexionar y generar el compromiso participativo, de autorreflexión y
conciencia planetaria.
Se asume la construcción del elemento teórico del cuidado ecosistémico de la salud desde un
diseño metodológico cualitativo, que con la investigación acción educativa, se identidad al quehacer
pedagógico y la práctica profesional y se asuma de forma reflexiva al interior del compromiso en la
formación ciudadana, como un proceso que demanda una nueva praxis del profesor por lo que es necesario el análisis de dicha relación, estableciendo su pertinencia y correspondencia con la mirada
compleja y crítica del conocimiento y realidades sociales a partir de la cual se adquiere sentido la
implementación de una propuesta teórica como de estrategias metodológicas que den cuenta de un
cuidado de la salud partiendo de la premisa con los aportes dados por los sujetos investigados, el
cuidado al servicio de la vida.
The need to build the theoretical element of health care, that contributes in the perspective of health care, a more human and integrating approach to health care, requests to place in the context of the pedagogical task as the professional practice, a curricular approach that from the eco-training, allows to reflect and to generate the participative commitment, of self-reflection and planetary conscience. It is assumed the construction of the theoretical element of the ecosystemic care of health from a qualitative methodological design, which with the research-action-education, characterizes the pedagogic work and the professional practice and it is assumed in a reflexive way inside the limits of the citizen formation as a demanding process of a new teacher's praxis, for what it is necessary the analysis of this relation, establishing its relevance and correspondence with the complex and crítical view of knowledge and social realities from which it makes sense to implement a theoretical proposal as well as methodological strategies that take into account the eco-training and from this curricular approach, the care for Nursing with the contributions given by the subjects investigated is built a care at the service of life.
The need to build the theoretical element of health care, that contributes in the perspective of health care, a more human and integrating approach to health care, requests to place in the context of the pedagogical task as the professional practice, a curricular approach that from the eco-training, allows to reflect and to generate the participative commitment, of self-reflection and planetary conscience. It is assumed the construction of the theoretical element of the ecosystemic care of health from a qualitative methodological design, which with the research-action-education, characterizes the pedagogic work and the professional practice and it is assumed in a reflexive way inside the limits of the citizen formation as a demanding process of a new teacher's praxis, for what it is necessary the analysis of this relation, establishing its relevance and correspondence with the complex and crítical view of knowledge and social realities from which it makes sense to implement a theoretical proposal as well as methodological strategies that take into account the eco-training and from this curricular approach, the care for Nursing with the contributions given by the subjects investigated is built a care at the service of life.
Palabras clave
Currículo, Cuidado de la salud, Eco formación, Curriculum, Health care, Eco training