Ecología social y saberes ancestrales para la construcción de identidad territorial en comunidades educativas rurales
Correa Álvarez, Heidy Ester
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo construir procesos participativos que
evidencien transformaciones en la identidad territorial de comunidades educativas
rurales desde la religación de saberes ancestrales y ecología social. La realización de
esta investigación es importante porque contribuye al fortalecimiento de la construcción
de identidad territorial y valoración de los saberes ancestrales pertinentes en
comunidades educativas rurales a nivel local, regional y global. La metodología
utilizada se sustenta en el paradigma Socio-crítico, utilizando la IAP (Investigación
Acción Participación) a partir de técnicas como la narrativa, la cartografía social, los
talleres vivenciales, la sistematización de experiencias y la devolución sistemática que
es transversal a todo el proceso investigativo. Los resultados muestran que los
sistemas alternativos de conocimiento presentes en los contextos rurales ofrecen una
gama de posibilidades de intervención educativa desde concepciones emergentes que
fomentan la participación de las comunidades en la educación formal y la construcción
de identidad territorial desde el diálogo de saberes e interacción de la escuela con los
saberes ancestrales de las comunidades rurales.
The objective of this research is to build participatory processes that show transformations in the territorial identity of rural educational communities from the religation of ancestral knowledge and social ecology. This research is important because it contributes to strengthen the construction of territorial identity and the valuation of relevant ancestral knowledge in rural educational communities at local, regional and global levels. The methodology used is based on the Socio-critical paradigm, using PAR (Participatory Action Research) from techniques such as narrative, social mapping, experiential workshops, systematization of experiences and systematic feedback that is transversal to the entire research process. The results show that the alternative knowledge systems present in rural contexts offer a range of possibilities for educational intervention from emerging conceptions that encourage the participation of communities in formal education and the construction of territorial identity from the dialogue of knowledge and interaction of the school with the ancestral knowledge of rural communities.
The objective of this research is to build participatory processes that show transformations in the territorial identity of rural educational communities from the religation of ancestral knowledge and social ecology. This research is important because it contributes to strengthen the construction of territorial identity and the valuation of relevant ancestral knowledge in rural educational communities at local, regional and global levels. The methodology used is based on the Socio-critical paradigm, using PAR (Participatory Action Research) from techniques such as narrative, social mapping, experiential workshops, systematization of experiences and systematic feedback that is transversal to the entire research process. The results show that the alternative knowledge systems present in rural contexts offer a range of possibilities for educational intervention from emerging conceptions that encourage the participation of communities in formal education and the construction of territorial identity from the dialogue of knowledge and interaction of the school with the ancestral knowledge of rural communities.
Palabras clave
Educación rural, Ecología social, Saberes ancestrales, Identidad territorial rural, Ecología de saberes, Rural education, Social ecology, Ancestral knowledge, Rural territorial identity, Ecology of knowledge