Significados asociados a la diversidad y discriminación sexual desde las voces de estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a la comunidad LGBTIQ+ en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Arévalo Rodríguez, Fanny Karolina
Bernal Caballero, María De Los Ángeles
Criado Silva, Laura Milena
Manga Meléndez, Laura Vanessa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La diversidad sexual es un tema sobre el cual se han configurado discursos a lo largo del tiempo, estos son cambiantes y se transforman debido a las luchas por el reconocimiento de derechos de los movimientos LGBTIQ+ a escala nacional e internacional. Producto de lo anterior, algunos de estos discursos se enmarcan en el reconocimiento, la inclusión y la aceptación, en cambio otros, se construyen alrededor de la exclusión, marginalización y peligro sobre aquellas identidades u orientaciones disidentes. Este último aspecto, conlleva a generar acciones y dinámicas que resultan amenazantes y discriminatorias hacia la comunidad diversa, expresadas en distintos contextos como el social, político, cultural, educativo, entre otros. El espacio educativo visto como un escenario de desarrollo del pensamiento crítico, de construcción de ciudadanía y conciencia social; es quizás uno de los contextos donde se puede surtir una transformación de aquellos prejuicios e imaginarios instaurados en relación con la diversidad sexual que llegan a expresarse a través de la discriminación, de ahí la importancia de abordar la diversidad sexual en la educación superior.
De acuerdo con Agustín (2009), las vivencias de estigma, prejuicio y discriminación crean un ambiente hostil y estresante que facilitan la aparición de problemas psicológicos”, en este sentido en el ámbito educativo, la discriminación y prejuicios por diversidad sexualidad son una problemática que puede generar afectaciones psicosociales y emocionales, propiciando el bajo rendimiento académico, dificultades en las relaciones interpersonales y experiencias generadoras de malestar psicológico, consiguiendo experimentar: tensión por el temor a ser víctimas de actos de discriminación; por las expectativas de rechazo, cierta necesidad de ocultarse por vergüenza a ser señalados o maltratados.
Objetivos: Comprender los significados asociados a la diversidad sexual y discriminación desde las voces de estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a la comunidad LGBTIQ+ en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Atlántico.
Sexual diversity is a subject on which discourses have been configured over time, these are changing and are transformed due to the struggles for the recognition of the rights of LGBTIQ+ movements on a national and international scale. Product of the above, some of these discourses are framed in recognition, inclusion and acceptance, while others are built around exclusion, marginalization and danger to those identities or dissident orientations. This last aspect leads to generating actions and dynamics that are threatening and discriminatory towards the diverse community, expressed in different contexts such as social, political, cultural, educational, among others. The educational space seen as a scenario for the development of critical thinking, for the construction of citizenship and social awareness; It is perhaps one of the contexts where a transformation of those prejudices and imaginaries established in relation to sexual diversity that come to be expressed through discrimination can take place, hence the importance of addressing sexual diversity in higher education. According to Agustin (2009), experiences of stigma, prejudice and discrimination create a hostile and stressful environment that facilitate the appearance of psychological problems", in this sense in the educational field, discrimination and prejudices due to sexuality diversity are a problem that It can generate psychosocial and emotional affectations, favoring low academic performance, difficulties in interpersonal relationships and experiences that generate psychological discomfort, managing to experience: tension due to fear of being victims of acts of discrimination; due to expectations of rejection, a certain need to hide out of shame from being singled out or mistreated. Objectives: Understand the meanings associated with sexual diversity and discrimination from the voices of university students belonging to the LGBTIQ+ community in the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico.
Sexual diversity is a subject on which discourses have been configured over time, these are changing and are transformed due to the struggles for the recognition of the rights of LGBTIQ+ movements on a national and international scale. Product of the above, some of these discourses are framed in recognition, inclusion and acceptance, while others are built around exclusion, marginalization and danger to those identities or dissident orientations. This last aspect leads to generating actions and dynamics that are threatening and discriminatory towards the diverse community, expressed in different contexts such as social, political, cultural, educational, among others. The educational space seen as a scenario for the development of critical thinking, for the construction of citizenship and social awareness; It is perhaps one of the contexts where a transformation of those prejudices and imaginaries established in relation to sexual diversity that come to be expressed through discrimination can take place, hence the importance of addressing sexual diversity in higher education. According to Agustin (2009), experiences of stigma, prejudice and discrimination create a hostile and stressful environment that facilitate the appearance of psychological problems", in this sense in the educational field, discrimination and prejudices due to sexuality diversity are a problem that It can generate psychosocial and emotional affectations, favoring low academic performance, difficulties in interpersonal relationships and experiences that generate psychological discomfort, managing to experience: tension due to fear of being victims of acts of discrimination; due to expectations of rejection, a certain need to hide out of shame from being singled out or mistreated. Objectives: Understand the meanings associated with sexual diversity and discrimination from the voices of university students belonging to the LGBTIQ+ community in the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico.
Palabras clave
Diversidad sexual, Identidad de género, Discriminación, Prejuicios, Sexual diversity, Gender identity, Discrimination, Prejudices