Estrategias didácticas que contribuyan al proceso de adaptación de los niños al sistema educativo
Murillo Bautista, Karen Juliana
Rojas Lizarazo, Zaida Yanet
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente trabajo es de gran importancia y utilidad para el maestro, padre de familia y estudiantes, pues son los actores principales en la educación; son ellos los que buscan el sentido de lo que se hace, construyen el conocimiento y gestionan emociones, en esta medida, la institución podrá convertirse en un campo de experimentación. En esta investigación se efectuó un rastreo bibliográfico, en busca de averiguaciones relacionadas con el desarrollo de emociones en el proceso de adaptación a la etapa escolar en niños con edades entre los 5 a 6 años, se encontraron varios artículos y/o tesis que abordan temas similares, sin embargo, se diferencian en su metodología, aplicabilidad o propuesta. Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo general diseñar un plan de acción contentivo de estrategias didácticas significativas que contribuyan al proceso de adaptación de los niños. Los objetivos específicos, se basan en describir las actuaciones socioemocionales presentadas por los niños al vincularse por primera vez al sistema educativo; Identificar las condiciones personales, familiares, sociales y económicas presentes en el hogar de los estudiantes y dilucidar la percepción de los profesores del Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, de Cúcuta, sobre los procesos de adaptación del niño al vincularse por primera vez al sistema educativo. El paradigma es constructivista dialógico, pues se sustenta en los procesos de observación, reflexión, diálogo, construcción de sentido compartido y sistematización; el enfoque es etnográfico pues se centra en la dimensión cultural de la realidad social que se somete al análisis, la interpretación de pautas de socialización, la construcción de valores, el desarrollo y las expresiones de la competencia cultural, el desarrollo y la comprensión de acciones humanas desde un punto de vista interno, de las cuales se realiza un análisis descriptivo a partir de las experiencias vivenciadas; el método es cualitativo, pues busca hacer una lectura de la realidad holísticamente, acudiendo a observaciones, a la interacción reflexiva, abierta, humanista y naturalista, utilizando modelos intensivos, profundos y comprensivos; su ruta metodológica se relaciona con el descubrimiento y el hallazgo. En atención a los objetivos específicos formulados y a la información recogida durante la aplicación de los instrumentos diseñados para las técnicas de entrevista, grupo focal y observación, se procedió al respectivo análisis e interpretación los cuales llevaron a las conclusiones que se señalan a continuación, en cuanto a las actuaciones socioemocionales presentadas por los niños de 5 a 6 años al vincularse por primera vez al sistema educativo, se pudo establecer que algunos niños presentaron actuaciones que hacen suponer que sentían temor, inseguridad y desconfianza para quedarse sin la presencia de las madres; las respuestas de los padres revelan que no hay problemas graves en cuanto a la situación socioeconómica de las familias, pues todos los entrevistados señalan que cuentan con los recursos para mantener el hogar, además, que los docentes consideran que hay algunas situaciones de adaptación de los niños al sistema escolar que ameritan la atención y en algunos casos la referencia del caso a la psicopedagoga. De acuerdo a las conclusiones anteriores se presenta una propuesta del plan de acción diseñado con estrategias didácticas significativas que contribuyan al proceso de adaptación de los niños de 5 a 6 años al sistema escolar.
The present paper is of great importance and utility for the teacher, parents and students, since they are the main actors in education; they are who seek the meaning of what is done, build knowledge and manage emotions, to this extent, the institution can become a field of experimentation. In this research, a bibliographic search was carried out, in search of inquiries related to the development of emotions in the process of adaptation to the school stage in children with ages between 5 to 6 years, several articles and / or theses were found that address topics However, they differ in their methodology, applicability or proposal. The general objective of this project was to design an action plan containing significant didactic strategies that contribute to the children's adaptation process. The specific objectives are based on describing the socio-emotional actions presented by children when they first join the educational system; Identify the personal, family, social and economic conditions present at students’ home and elucidate the perception of the teachers of the Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in Cúcuta, about the adaptation processes of the child when joining the educational system for the first time. The paradigm is dialogic constructivist, since it is based on the processes of observation, reflection, dialogue, construction of shared meaning and systematization; the approach is ethnographic as it focuses on the cultural dimension of social reality that is subjected to analysis, the interpretation of socialization patterns, the construction of values, the development and expressions of cultural competence, the development and understanding of actions human from an internal point of view, of which a descriptive analysis is made from the experiences lived; The method is qualitative, as it seeks to make a holistically reading of reality, resorting to observations, reflective, open, humanistic and naturalistic interaction, using intensive, deep and comprehensive models; his methodological path is related to discovery and finding. In attention to the specific objectives formulated and the information collected during the application of the instruments designed for the interview, focus group and observation techniques, the respective analysis and interpretation were carried out, which led to the conclusions indicated below, as From the socio-emotional actions presented by children between the ages of 5 and 6 when they first joined the educational system, it was possible to establish that some children presented actions that suggest that they felt fear, insecurity and distrust to be left without the presence of their mothers; The parents' responses reveal that there are no serious problems regarding the socioeconomic situation of the families, since all the interviewees indicate that they have the resources to maintain their home, beside, the teachers consider that there are some situations of adaptation of the families children to the school system that deserve attention and in some cases the referral of the case to the psychopedagogue. In accordance with the previous conclusions, a proposal for an action plan designed with significant didactic strategies is presented to contribute to the process of adaptation of children from 5 to 6 years of age to the school system.
The present paper is of great importance and utility for the teacher, parents and students, since they are the main actors in education; they are who seek the meaning of what is done, build knowledge and manage emotions, to this extent, the institution can become a field of experimentation. In this research, a bibliographic search was carried out, in search of inquiries related to the development of emotions in the process of adaptation to the school stage in children with ages between 5 to 6 years, several articles and / or theses were found that address topics However, they differ in their methodology, applicability or proposal. The general objective of this project was to design an action plan containing significant didactic strategies that contribute to the children's adaptation process. The specific objectives are based on describing the socio-emotional actions presented by children when they first join the educational system; Identify the personal, family, social and economic conditions present at students’ home and elucidate the perception of the teachers of the Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in Cúcuta, about the adaptation processes of the child when joining the educational system for the first time. The paradigm is dialogic constructivist, since it is based on the processes of observation, reflection, dialogue, construction of shared meaning and systematization; the approach is ethnographic as it focuses on the cultural dimension of social reality that is subjected to analysis, the interpretation of socialization patterns, the construction of values, the development and expressions of cultural competence, the development and understanding of actions human from an internal point of view, of which a descriptive analysis is made from the experiences lived; The method is qualitative, as it seeks to make a holistically reading of reality, resorting to observations, reflective, open, humanistic and naturalistic interaction, using intensive, deep and comprehensive models; his methodological path is related to discovery and finding. In attention to the specific objectives formulated and the information collected during the application of the instruments designed for the interview, focus group and observation techniques, the respective analysis and interpretation were carried out, which led to the conclusions indicated below, as From the socio-emotional actions presented by children between the ages of 5 and 6 when they first joined the educational system, it was possible to establish that some children presented actions that suggest that they felt fear, insecurity and distrust to be left without the presence of their mothers; The parents' responses reveal that there are no serious problems regarding the socioeconomic situation of the families, since all the interviewees indicate that they have the resources to maintain their home, beside, the teachers consider that there are some situations of adaptation of the families children to the school system that deserve attention and in some cases the referral of the case to the psychopedagogue. In accordance with the previous conclusions, a proposal for an action plan designed with significant didactic strategies is presented to contribute to the process of adaptation of children from 5 to 6 years of age to the school system.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo integral del niño, Evolución socioemocional, Estrategias didácticas, Integral development of the child, Socio-emotional evolution, Didactic strategies