Control judicial en la audiencia de formulación de imputación como defensa del derecho fundamental al buen nombre en el derecho penal colombiano
Meza Suárez, Rodrigo Rafael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La formulación de imputación obliga al fiscal reunir elementos de juicio que motiven
investigar a una persona, que la entere de las fases posteriores y sus garantías, e interfiere sus
derechos fundamentales. Es acto de parte que se le comunica, el juez ni la aprueba ni
imprueba, pero debe rodear de garantías al procesado. En el Convenio Europeo de Derechos
Humanos [CEDH], el principio jurídico audiatur et altea pars señala el proceso equitativo,
público y resuelto en un plazo razonable .El art. 15 de la Constitución Política de Colombia
de 1991 consagra el derecho a su intimidad personal y familiar y buen nombre, respetado
por el Estado y particulares, se defiende por acción de tutela e instancias civiles y penales,
evita ataques a la persona por vulneración de autoridades públicas y particulares. El Juez de
Control de garantías es guardián de los derechos y garantías de las personas, pero no aprueba
ni imprueba ni corrige la imputación para evitar quebrantar la estructura acusatoria, tampoco
será inerte, bajo excusa de la imparcialidad, es el fiel de la balanza garantía de derechos y el
correcto trámite procesal, la improcedencia del control material a la imputación o la
acusación permite arbitrariedad, la sujeta al “autocontrol” de la fiscalía. Su control material
frena arbitrariedades y abusos de por jueces y periodistas, en el uso y abuso de información
en los medios de comunicación, que inducen e responsabilidad penal sin debate procesal
previo, sin ser veraz, imparcial, acorde con los hechos esa información, siendo necesario la
reforma al código de procedimiento penal en esos temas.
The imputation formulation forces the prosecutor to gather elements of judgment that motivate to investigate a person, who finds out about the subsequent phases and their guarantees, and interferes with their fundamental rights. It is the act of a party that is informed, the judge neither approves nor proves it, but it must surround guarantees to the accused. In the European Convention on Human Rights [ECHR], the legal principle audiatur et altea pars indicates the fair, public and resolved process within a reasonable time. Art. 15 of the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991 enshrines the right to personal and family privacy and good name, respected by the State and individuals, is defended by guardianship and civil and criminal instances, prevents attacks on the person for violation of authorities public and private The Judge of Control of guarantees is guardian of the rights and guarantees of the people, but does not approve or print or correct the imputation to avoid breaking the accusatory structure, nor will it be inert, under the excuse of impartiality, is the faithful of the balance guarantee of rights and the correct procedural procedure, the inadmissibility of the material control to the imputation or the accusation allows arbitrariness, subject to the "self-control" of the prosecution. Its material control curbs arbitrariness and abuse by judges and journalists, in the use and abuse of information in the media, which induce and criminal responsibility without prior procedural debate, without being truthful, impartial, in accordance with the facts that information, being necessary to reform the code of criminal procedure on these issues
The imputation formulation forces the prosecutor to gather elements of judgment that motivate to investigate a person, who finds out about the subsequent phases and their guarantees, and interferes with their fundamental rights. It is the act of a party that is informed, the judge neither approves nor proves it, but it must surround guarantees to the accused. In the European Convention on Human Rights [ECHR], the legal principle audiatur et altea pars indicates the fair, public and resolved process within a reasonable time. Art. 15 of the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991 enshrines the right to personal and family privacy and good name, respected by the State and individuals, is defended by guardianship and civil and criminal instances, prevents attacks on the person for violation of authorities public and private The Judge of Control of guarantees is guardian of the rights and guarantees of the people, but does not approve or print or correct the imputation to avoid breaking the accusatory structure, nor will it be inert, under the excuse of impartiality, is the faithful of the balance guarantee of rights and the correct procedural procedure, the inadmissibility of the material control to the imputation or the accusation allows arbitrariness, subject to the "self-control" of the prosecution. Its material control curbs arbitrariness and abuse by judges and journalists, in the use and abuse of information in the media, which induce and criminal responsibility without prior procedural debate, without being truthful, impartial, in accordance with the facts that information, being necessary to reform the code of criminal procedure on these issues
Palabras clave
Imputación, Derecho al buen nombre, Control de garantías, Procedimiento penal, Imputation, Right to a good name, Procedural safeguards, Criminal procedure