Afectación psicosocial de niños, niñas y adolescentes de la Institución Educativa La Divina Pastora, sede la Fortaleza, en Norte de Santander Cúcuta, a causa de la pandemia por la COVID-19
Mendoza Berrio, Katherin Dayanna
Barrios Beltrán, Alexa Leonela
Pérez Vargas, Mishelle Julieth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar las afectaciones sociales que inciden en los niños, niñas y adolescentes de la institución educativa La Divina, sede La Fortaleza, en Norte de Santander Cúcuta, a causa de la pandemia por la Covid-19, la cual busca comprender las consecuencias y posibles estrategias que afronten la problemática. Para el desarrollo de esta se utilizaron bases teóricas, desde la teoría de desarrollo integral de Orozco, la teoría de los síntomas psicológicos de los pacientes con Covid-19 de Liang, a su vez el aporte de Apaza P. y Cynthia M, cuando refieren a Orozco frente a las afectaciones psicosociales de las personas por Covid.19, bajo lo cual se establecen las categorías para dar respuesta a los objetivos propuestos, entre ellas se encuentran los riesgos, afectaciones psicosociales y la Covid-19. Se llevo a cabo con 15 niños, niñas y adolescentes en el rango de edad entre 8-15 años. La metodología bajo la cual se enmarca es de enfoque cualitativo, con paradigma histórico-hermenéutico y diseño de estudio de caso a través de herramientas de recolección de información como lo es la observación, donde permitió la evidenciar las necesidades y problemáticas de los sujetos, la entrevista, proporciono una identificación por sujeto, de cuál era su pensar frente a las situaciones evidenciadas y el grupo focal, que logro que los participantes puedan compartir sus necesidades e identificar posibles estrategias que permitan mejorar. Los principales resultados aportan la identificación de las afectaciones psicosociales como: Tristeza, estrés, impotencia, remordimiento, dificultades en el hogar, enojo, lejanía de amigos. Sin embargo, algunos sujetos, además se determinaron cuáles son las consecuencias de dichas afectaciones algunas como: se encontró que los sujetos manifiestan un descontento por las clases, desesperanza de ver amigos o familiares, perdida de habilidades de comunicación, Sin embargo, otros de los investigados expresan que: la pandemia por la Covid-19 ha ayudado a mejorar sus relaciones en el hogar, ahora pueden expresarse más con sus familiares y se descubrieron estrategias como: necesitan de acompañamiento, los padres deben de priorizar el sentir de sus hijos, además de dar importancia a los posibles trastornos que provocó la pandemia por la Covid-19.
This research work seeks to analyze the social affectations that affect the children and adolescents of the educational institution La Divina, La Fortaleza, in Norte de Santander Cúcuta, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which seeks to understand the consequences and possible strategies to face the problem. Theoretical bases were used for the development of this study, from Orozco's integral development theory, Liang's theory of the psychological symptoms of patients with Covid-19, as well as the contribution of Apaza P. and Cynthia M., when they refer to Orozco regarding the psychosocial affectations of people by Covid-19, under which the categories are established to respond to the proposed objectives, among them are the risks, psychosocial affectations and Covid-19. The study was carried out with 15 children and adolescents in the age range of 8-15 years. The methodology under which it is framed is of qualitative approach, with historical-hermeneutic paradigm and case study design through information gathering tools such as observation, which allowed the evidencing of the needs and problems of the subjects, the interview, which provided an identification by subject, of what was their thinking in front of the situations evidenced and the focus group, which allowed the participants to share their needs and identify possible strategies to improve. The main results provide the identification of psychosocial affectations such as: sadness, stress, helplessness, remorse, difficulties at home, anger, distance from friends. However, some subjects also determined the consequences of these affectations, some of which are: it was found that the subjects express dissatisfaction with the classes, despair of seeing friends or family, loss of communication skills, However, others of those investigated express that: the Covid-19 pandemic has helped to improve their relationships at home, now they can express themselves more with their families and strategies were discovered such as: they need accompaniment, parents should prioritize the feelings of their children, in addition to giving importance to the possible disorders caused by the Covid-19 pandemic
This research work seeks to analyze the social affectations that affect the children and adolescents of the educational institution La Divina, La Fortaleza, in Norte de Santander Cúcuta, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which seeks to understand the consequences and possible strategies to face the problem. Theoretical bases were used for the development of this study, from Orozco's integral development theory, Liang's theory of the psychological symptoms of patients with Covid-19, as well as the contribution of Apaza P. and Cynthia M., when they refer to Orozco regarding the psychosocial affectations of people by Covid-19, under which the categories are established to respond to the proposed objectives, among them are the risks, psychosocial affectations and Covid-19. The study was carried out with 15 children and adolescents in the age range of 8-15 years. The methodology under which it is framed is of qualitative approach, with historical-hermeneutic paradigm and case study design through information gathering tools such as observation, which allowed the evidencing of the needs and problems of the subjects, the interview, which provided an identification by subject, of what was their thinking in front of the situations evidenced and the focus group, which allowed the participants to share their needs and identify possible strategies to improve. The main results provide the identification of psychosocial affectations such as: sadness, stress, helplessness, remorse, difficulties at home, anger, distance from friends. However, some subjects also determined the consequences of these affectations, some of which are: it was found that the subjects express dissatisfaction with the classes, despair of seeing friends or family, loss of communication skills, However, others of those investigated express that: the Covid-19 pandemic has helped to improve their relationships at home, now they can express themselves more with their families and strategies were discovered such as: they need accompaniment, parents should prioritize the feelings of their children, in addition to giving importance to the possible disorders caused by the Covid-19 pandemic
Palabras clave
Afectación, Riesgo, Covid-19, Crisis, Affect, Risk, Covid-19, Crisis