Consecuencias del desplazamiento forzado en la comunidad indígena Emberá Katí en el marco del conflicto armado en la última década
Cuadros Acevedo, Juan Sebastián
Figueredo Quintero, Karyna
Pérez Silva, Angie Yurley
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo busca mostrar las diferentes consecuencias en torno a el desplazamiento
forzado en Colombia a causa del conflicto armado y las políticas del estado para proteger a
las víctimas de dicho desplazamiento forzado, que no han logrado superar y mejorar las
circunstancias de vida que tienen a causa de dicha situación, se toman en cuenta los
conceptos de desplazamiento forzado, territorio, tierra, identidad, recursos renovables,
autoridad y gobierno propio, la ausencia en el cumplimiento de las políticas del estado y la
debida legislación que busca proteger los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y de sus tierras,
las medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado; la atención, protección,
consolidación y esta estabilización socioeconómica de los desplazados internos por la
violencia en Colombia, también se dio a conocer los antecedentes históricos del
Desplazamiento Forzado sobre la comunidad indígena Emberá, El enfoque metodológico
del presente estudio corresponde al tipo cualitativo, En este caso, se realizó una revisión a
profundidad de la técnica de análisis documental y los instrumentos utilizados para la
recolección de información fueron la matriz de análisis documental, fundamentalmente
para analizar el contenido de los textos de la doctrina, la jurisprudencia, y en general todo
tipo de documentos que hacen parte del marco conceptual en el que se basa la
investigación, con el fin de realizar un análisis de las consecuencias del desplazamiento
forzado y su relación con las políticas del estado de atención a las personas en situación de desplazamiento, que como consecuencias del conflicto armado, surge el desplazamiento
forzado, que es una de las actividades que se ven con más frecuencia y que afecta a las
comunidades indígenas más vulnerables, estas comunidades se ven forzadas a dejar sus
tierras, costumbres y su identidad cultural. Los actos de tortura, asesinatos, violaciones,
desplazamientos forzados, entre otros, lo que afecta la salud mental de quienes son
sometidos a estos actos y genera en ellos la pérdida de identidad individual y reacciones de
miedo, ansiedad, ira, insensibilidad emocional, culpa, duelo, trauma y reacciones
patológicas postraumáticas, causando un impacto negativo en el desarrollo de estos
individuos, vulnerando sus derechos fundamentales, violando el derecho de sus territorios y
sus tradiciones.
This article seeks to show the different consequences of forced displacement in Colombia due to the armed conflict and state policies to protect the victims of such forced displacement, who have not been able to overcome and improve their life circumstances due to such situation, the concepts of forced displacement, territory, land, identity, renewable resources, authority and self-government, the absence in the fulfillment of state policies and due legislation that seeks to protect the rights of indigenous peoples and their lands, measures for the prevention of forced displacement are taken into account; The methodological approach of this study corresponds to the qualitative type, in this case, an in-depth review of the documentary analysis technique was carried out and the instruments used for the collection of information were the documentary analysis matrix, mainly to analyze the content of the texts of the doctrine, the jurisprudence, and the jurisprudence of the indigenous community of the Embera, jurisprudence, and in general all types of documents that are part of the conceptual framework on which the research is based, in order to carry out an analysis of the consequences of forced displacement and its relationship with the state policies of attention to people in a situation of displacement, that as a consequence of the armed conflict, forced displacement arises, which is one of the most frequently seen activities that affects the most vulnerable indigenous communities, these communities are forced to leave their lands, customs and their cultural identity. Acts of torture, murder, rape, forced displacement, among others, affect the mental health of those who are subjected to these acts and generate in them the loss of individual identity and reactions of fear, anxiety, anger, emotional insensitivity, guilt, grief, trauma and post-traumatic pathological reactions, causing a negative impact on the development of these individuals, violating their fundamental rights, violating the right to their territories and their traditions.
This article seeks to show the different consequences of forced displacement in Colombia due to the armed conflict and state policies to protect the victims of such forced displacement, who have not been able to overcome and improve their life circumstances due to such situation, the concepts of forced displacement, territory, land, identity, renewable resources, authority and self-government, the absence in the fulfillment of state policies and due legislation that seeks to protect the rights of indigenous peoples and their lands, measures for the prevention of forced displacement are taken into account; The methodological approach of this study corresponds to the qualitative type, in this case, an in-depth review of the documentary analysis technique was carried out and the instruments used for the collection of information were the documentary analysis matrix, mainly to analyze the content of the texts of the doctrine, the jurisprudence, and the jurisprudence of the indigenous community of the Embera, jurisprudence, and in general all types of documents that are part of the conceptual framework on which the research is based, in order to carry out an analysis of the consequences of forced displacement and its relationship with the state policies of attention to people in a situation of displacement, that as a consequence of the armed conflict, forced displacement arises, which is one of the most frequently seen activities that affects the most vulnerable indigenous communities, these communities are forced to leave their lands, customs and their cultural identity. Acts of torture, murder, rape, forced displacement, among others, affect the mental health of those who are subjected to these acts and generate in them the loss of individual identity and reactions of fear, anxiety, anger, emotional insensitivity, guilt, grief, trauma and post-traumatic pathological reactions, causing a negative impact on the development of these individuals, violating their fundamental rights, violating the right to their territories and their traditions.
Palabras clave
Desplazamiento forzado, Conflicto armado, Pueblos indígenas, Autonomía indígena, Forced displacement, Armed Conflict, Indigenous peoples, Indigenous autonomy