Dinámica familiar desde la perspectiva de una mujer con diagnóstico de trastorno límite de personalidad
Pinilla Casadiegos, Leidy Katherine
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La familia es considerada el núcleo fundamental de la sociedad, en esta se conforman un grupo de personas enlazadas por la consanguinidad, vínculos afectivos que deben fomentar la construcción de seres humanos potenciales para la comunidad, según Jiménez (2010). El trastorno límite de la personalidad es una enfermedad mental grave que se distingue por los estados de ánimo, comportamiento y relaciones inestables.
El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue Analizar la dinámica familiar en mujeres diagnosticadas con trastorno límite de personalidad mediante un estudio de caso. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la entrevista semiestructurada y el APGAR familiar. Se tomó como muestra a una mujer de 21 años diagnosticada con Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad perteneciente a un grupo de apoyo de una Red social. Como resultados encontramos una Baja Satisfacción con una Disfunción Severa en las dinámicas familiares y en la entrevista Semiestructurada se logra evidenciar la inconformidad y las bajas expectativas que tiene el sujeto hacia su familia cuando necesita acudir a ellos en episodios de crisis.
En conclusión se logra evidenciar la importancia de analizar la dinámica familiar en mujeres diagnosticadas con trastorno límite de la personalidad, ya que a través de este estudio se halla la necesidad de explorar los modelos teóricos y terapéuticos de diferentes autores con el fin de lograr una mejor profundización y comprensión del TLP y así manifestar la necesidad de crear estrategias que permitan mejorar las dinámicas familiares y promover la terapia sistémica en las mujeres diagnosticadas con este trastorno.
The family is considered the fundamental nucleus of society, in which a group of people linked by consanguinity are formed, affective ties that should foster the construction of potential human beings for the community, according to Jiménez (2010). Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness marked by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. The main objective of this study was to analyze family dynamics in women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder through a case study. The instruments used were the semi-structured interview and the family APGAR. A 21-year-old woman diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder belonging to a support group of a social network was taken as a sample. As a result, we found a Low Satisfaction with a Severe Dysfunction in the family dynamics and in the Semi-structured interview it is possible to demonstrate the nonconformity and the low expectations that the subject has towards her family when she needs to go to them in crisis episodes. In conclusion, it is possible to demonstrate the importance of analyzing family dynamics in women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, since through this study there is a need to explore the theoretical and therapeutic models of different authors in order to achieve a better deepening and understanding of BPD and thus manifest the need to create strategies that allow improving family dynamics and promoting systemic therapy in women diagnosed with this disorder.
The family is considered the fundamental nucleus of society, in which a group of people linked by consanguinity are formed, affective ties that should foster the construction of potential human beings for the community, according to Jiménez (2010). Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness marked by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. The main objective of this study was to analyze family dynamics in women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder through a case study. The instruments used were the semi-structured interview and the family APGAR. A 21-year-old woman diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder belonging to a support group of a social network was taken as a sample. As a result, we found a Low Satisfaction with a Severe Dysfunction in the family dynamics and in the Semi-structured interview it is possible to demonstrate the nonconformity and the low expectations that the subject has towards her family when she needs to go to them in crisis episodes. In conclusion, it is possible to demonstrate the importance of analyzing family dynamics in women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, since through this study there is a need to explore the theoretical and therapeutic models of different authors in order to achieve a better deepening and understanding of BPD and thus manifest the need to create strategies that allow improving family dynamics and promoting systemic therapy in women diagnosed with this disorder.
Palabras clave
Trastorno, Diagnóstico, Familia, Personalidad, Psicoterapia, Disorder, Diagnosis, Family, Personality, Psychotherapy