Deconstrucción y reconstrucción de las practicas pedagógicas en torno a la formación por competencias en el área de ciencias naturales grado cuarto de básica primaria en las instituciones educativas Luis Gabriel Castro Sede San Pedro y el Instituto Técnico Alejandro Gutiérrez Calderón, Cúcuta
Hernandez Gamboa, Angelica Durley
Navarro Arevalo, Mireyda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El propósito de esta investigación fue realizar un proceso de deconstrucción y reconstrucción de las prácticas pedagógicas en torno a la formación por competencias en el área de Ciencias Naturales en grado cuarto en dos Instituciones Educativas de la ciudad de Cúcuta. Se siguió el paradigma socio crítico, desde un enfoque cualitativo, con el método científico Investigación Acción Pedagógica IAPE. El trabajo de campo se realizó aplicando las técnicas: análisis documental, observación participante y auto relatos. Participaron como informantes dos grupos de cuarto grado, cada uno con treinta estudiantes y las dos docentes investigadoras. Se pudo determinar que la deconstrucción de las prácticas pedagógicas, es posible teniendo como base fundamental los estándares básicos de competencias en ciencias naturales desde las categorías generales epistemología, pedagogía y didáctica. Existe un interés docente por trascender y de construir el quehacer docente tradicional y memorístico, basado en la instrucción de temas y subtemas, para transformarlo en una formación que fomenta competencias para que el estudiante tenga las habilidades y capacidades, que le permitan resolver asertivamente los problemas que cotidianamente debe enfrentar en su realidad contextual
The purpose of this research was to carry out a process of deconstruction and reconstruction of the pedagogical practices around competency-based training in the area of Natural Sciences in fourth grade of two the city of Cúcuta. The socio-critical paradigm was followed, from a qualitative approach, with the scientific method Pedagogical Action Research IAPE. The field work was carried out applying the techniques: documentary analysis, participant observation and self-reports. Two fourth grade groups participated as informants, each with thirty students and the two research teachers. It was possible to determine that the deconstruction of the pedagogical practices is possible having as basic base the basic standards of competences in natural sciences from the general categories epistemology, pedagogy and didactics. There is a teaching interest to transcend and to build the traditional and memorial teaching task, based on the instruction of topics and subtopics, to transform it into a training that fosters competencies so that the student has the skills and abilities, that allow him to solve the problems assertively. that every day must face in its contextual reality.
The purpose of this research was to carry out a process of deconstruction and reconstruction of the pedagogical practices around competency-based training in the area of Natural Sciences in fourth grade of two the city of Cúcuta. The socio-critical paradigm was followed, from a qualitative approach, with the scientific method Pedagogical Action Research IAPE. The field work was carried out applying the techniques: documentary analysis, participant observation and self-reports. Two fourth grade groups participated as informants, each with thirty students and the two research teachers. It was possible to determine that the deconstruction of the pedagogical practices is possible having as basic base the basic standards of competences in natural sciences from the general categories epistemology, pedagogy and didactics. There is a teaching interest to transcend and to build the traditional and memorial teaching task, based on the instruction of topics and subtopics, to transform it into a training that fosters competencies so that the student has the skills and abilities, that allow him to solve the problems assertively. that every day must face in its contextual reality.
Palabras clave
Práctica Pedagógica, Didáctica de las Ciencias Naturales, Deconstrucción, Competencias de Ciencias Naturales, Pedagogical Practice, Didactics of Natural Sciences, Deconstruction, Natural Sciences Competencies