Análisis sobre la utilización y conocimiento de las tendencias tecnológicas de la industria 4.0 en pymes del sector de confecciones en el departamento del Atlántico
Domínguez Molina, Ximena María
Luque Patiño, Keila Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La Industria 4.0 es la implantación de tecnologías digitales en las fábricas, que ofrece una capacidad de adaptación constante a la demanda productiva, abarcando todas las áreas de la empresa. Esta nueva era digital permite a las organizaciones estar en la dura competencia del mercado actual que es tan cambiante y evolucionar con el tiempo con innovación y soluciones ágiles para responder a la demanda del mercado. La cuarta revolución industrial representa conectividad en todas partes desde personas, máquinas y datos, lo que implica nuevos modelos de fabricación inteligente en la industria, que a su vez genera nuevos conceptos de consumo y distribución final del producto o servicio terminado. Muchas pequeñas y medianas empresas consideran que la implementación de las industrias 4.0 es compleja, alejada de su realidad y contexto, y en ocasiones expresan que no tienen claro los beneficios de la misma. Esto explica por qué muchas pymes no se atreven a dar el salto tecnológico que traería consigo nuevas técnicas productivas, desarrollo de modelos de negocio innovadores, aumento de la productividad y crecimiento empresarial.
Industry 4.0 is the implementation of digital technologies in factories, which offers a capacity for constant adaptation to production demand, covering all areas of the company. This new digital era allows organizations to be in the tough competition of the current market that is so changing and evolve over time with innovation and agile solutions to respond to market demand. The fourth industrial revolution represents connectivity everywhere from people, machines and data, which implies new models of intelligent manufacturing in the industry, which in turn generates new concepts of consumption and final distribution of the finished product or service. Many small and medium-sized companies consider that the implementation of industries 4.0 is complex, far from their reality and context, and sometimes they express that they do not clearly know the benefits of it. This explains why many SMEs do not dare to take the technological leap that would bring new production techniques, development of innovative business models, increased productivity and business growth.
Industry 4.0 is the implementation of digital technologies in factories, which offers a capacity for constant adaptation to production demand, covering all areas of the company. This new digital era allows organizations to be in the tough competition of the current market that is so changing and evolve over time with innovation and agile solutions to respond to market demand. The fourth industrial revolution represents connectivity everywhere from people, machines and data, which implies new models of intelligent manufacturing in the industry, which in turn generates new concepts of consumption and final distribution of the finished product or service. Many small and medium-sized companies consider that the implementation of industries 4.0 is complex, far from their reality and context, and sometimes they express that they do not clearly know the benefits of it. This explains why many SMEs do not dare to take the technological leap that would bring new production techniques, development of innovative business models, increased productivity and business growth.
Palabras clave
Industria 4.0, Fábricas, Innovación, Conectividad, Personas, Máquinas, Datos, Pymes, Productividad, Industry 4.0, Factories, Innovation, Connectivity, People, Machines, Data, SMEs, Productivity