Rol del abogado colombiano en el entorno digital a partir del impacto generado por la pandemia del COVID 2019
Ariza Silva, Rafael Hernando
Bustamante Bustamante, Arding Alexander
Consuegra Pacheco, Saray
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En Colombia, el rol del abogado se ha enmarcado tradicionalmente en la oralidad y la presencialidad, usualmente alejada del entorno digital; nuestros indicadores revelan que tanto profesionales como estudiantes de derecho enfrentan dificultades al usar las tecnologías, lo cual quedó en evidencia con la llegada de la Pandemia del COVID-19. Esta situación nos llevó a plantearnos la pregunta problema ¿Cuál es el Rol del Abogado Colombiano en el entorno digital a partir del impacto generado por la pandemia del COVID 2019?, al resolver este interrogante se pretende beneficiar a la comunidad de profesionales del campo jurídico en general, dentro de los cuales se destacan profesores y estudiantes del Derecho, quienes deberán reorientar la práctica profesional hacia un nuevo marco Legal – Digital. Poder anticipar la dinámica futura y preparar a los profesionales para enfrentarse a una nueva era e-legal. La revolución de las TICs ha traído consigo una importante evolución en el campo profesional y poder anticipar cuáles serán los desafíos y las tendencias que enfrentará el rol del abogado en el entorno digital, los animará a adoptar mejores posturas y perspectivas de cara a la nueva era del Derecho.
Para abordar la problemática definimos en primer lugar describir el rol del abogado en Colombia antes y después del año 2019, fecha en la que se desarrolló uno de los acontecimientos relevantes para la humanidad, como fue la pandemia del COVID-19, observando su transformación histórica, obteniendo una mirada retrospectiva en el tiempo, para esto contrastamos las posturas de varios autores frente al papel del abogado en la historia, con opiniones más contemporáneas sobre los cambios derivados del desarrollo tecnológico y cómo estos han impactado la función y el rol del abogado.
Posteriormente nos propusimos destacar los principales cambios que surgieron en el marco normativo colombiano en lo referente al Rol del Abogado en el entorno digital antes y después de la pandemia del COVID-19, identificando los cambios relevantes en el referente normativo que han influenciado la práctica y/o desempeño del campus universitario y a los profesionales del derecho, detallando los principales cambios que tuvieron lugar con la introducción de las normas, destacando el impacto que de ellas derivó en cuanto al desempeño de la función del abogado.
En Colombia, la irrupción de la pandemia del COVID-19 sacó a flote la necesidad de impulsar y acelerar la introducción de la tecnologías de la comunicación en la profesión abogadil, con el fin de garantizar el acceso oportuno a la justicia y descongestionar de manera idónea el aparato judicial, ante este evento mundial se tomaron medidas transitorias que permitieran darle continuidad a los procesos y evitar así un posterior colapso en la rama judicial, de ahí la importancia del nacimiento de la ley 2213 del año 2022, uno de los cambios normativos más relevantes en nuestro concepto, que permitió implementar las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en las actuaciones judiciales en el país,
generando nuevos retos para el Rol del abogado, dado que hubo una migración a un modelo hibrido que aunque mantuvo algunos esquemas tradicionales sujeto a la oralidad y la presencialidad, incorporó nuevas formas de interacción a través de la virtualidad y la digitalización del Derecho Colombiano, donde el componente tecnológico tiene suma relevancia.
El Rol del “Abogado clásico” con perfil defensor, tradicionalista y conservador cambió, paso de estar enmarcado en el relacionamiento físico, la retórica y la dialéctica compleja, apegado a la norma, con una discreta o pobre inmersión en tecnologías, a un “Abogado 4.0”, cuyo Rol se enmarca en la creatividad, la flexibilidad cognitiva avocada a la solución de problemas, cuya función social orientada al servicio jurídico empaqueta tanto habilidades blandas, como duras, resaltando de estas, las capacidades de comunicarse eficientemente y de adherirse a las nuevas tecnologías para optimizar el desempeño de sus funciones.
Como parte fundamental de nuestro proyecto, definimos interpretar la percepción de los estudiantes y profesionales del Derecho en lo relacionado al Rol del abogado de cara a la nueva era del Derecho en el marco del e-legal, empleando dos mecanismos de recolección de información, a saber: la Entrevista y la Encuesta. técnicas de recolección de información idóneas para una investigación cualitativa. Finalmente, los Profesionales y Estudiantes de Derecho que contribuyeron con sus aportes a la presente investigación coincidieron en que las TICs son herramientas “esenciales” para el Rol del abogado, no solo desde la perspectiva académica durante su formación, sino en la etapa laboral, convirtiéndose en una barrera para aquellos que no incorporen dichas habilidades como un mínimo requerido.
In Colombia, the role of the lawyer has traditionally been framed in the oral and face-to-face, usually away from the digital environment; our indicators reveal that both professionals and law students face difficulties when using technologies, which became evident with the arrival of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This situation led us to ask the question: What is the role of the Colombian lawyer in the digital environment from the impact generated by the pandemic of COVID 2019? By solving this question, we intend to benefit the community of professionals in the legal field in general, among which stand out teachers and students of law, who should reorient professional practice towards a new Legal-Digital framework. To be able to anticipate future dynamics and prepare professionals to face a new e-legal era. The ICT revolution has brought with it an important evolution in the professional field and being able to anticipate the challenges and trends that the role of the lawyer will face in the digital environment will encourage them to adopt better positions and perspectives for the new era of law. To address the problem, we first defined the role of the lawyer in Colombia before and after the year 2019, date in which one of the relevant events for humanity took place, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, observing its historical transformation, obtaining a retrospective view in time, for this we contrast the positions of several authors regarding the role of the lawyer in history, with more contemporary views on the changes resulting from technological development and how these have impacted the function and role of the lawyer. Subsequently, we set out to highlight the main changes that arose in the Colombian regulatory framework regarding the Role of the Lawyer in the digital environment before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying the relevant changes in the regulatory reference that have influenced the practice and/or performance of the university campus and legal professionals, detailing the main changes that took place with the introduction of the rules, highlighting the impact that derived from them in terms of the performance of the lawyer's role. In Colombia, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the need to promote and accelerate the introduction of communication technologies in the legal profession, in order to ensure timely access to justice and decongest the judicial apparatus in a suitable way, before this global event transitional measures were taken to give continuity to the processes and thus avoid a subsequent collapse in the judicial branch, hence the importance of the birth of the law 2213 of 2022, One of the most relevant regulatory changes in our concept, which allowed the implementation of information and communication technologies in judicial proceedings in the country, generating new challenges for the role of the lawyer, since there was a migration to a hybrid model that although it maintained some traditional schemes subject to orality and presentiality, it incorporated new forms of interaction through virtuality and digitalization of Colombian law, where the technological component is of utmost relevance. The role of the “classic lawyer” with a defensive, traditionalist and conservative profile has changed from being framed in the physical relationship, rhetoric and complex dialectics, attached to the norm, with a discreet or poor immersion in technologies, to a “Lawyer 4. 0", whose role is framed in creativity, cognitive flexibility and problem solving, whose social function oriented to the legal service packages both soft and hard skills, highlighting of these, the ability to communicate efficiently and to adhere to new technologies to optimize the performance of their functions. As a fundamental part of our project, we defined to interpret the perception of law students and professionals regarding the role of the lawyer in the new era of law in the framework of the e-legal, using two mechanisms of data collection, namely: the interview and the survey, techniques of data collection suitable for qualitative research. Finally, the professionals and law students who contributed to this research agreed that ICTs are “essential” tools for the role of the lawyer, not only from the academic perspective during their training, but also in the labor stage, becoming a barrier for those who do not incorporate these skills as a minimum requirement.
In Colombia, the role of the lawyer has traditionally been framed in the oral and face-to-face, usually away from the digital environment; our indicators reveal that both professionals and law students face difficulties when using technologies, which became evident with the arrival of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This situation led us to ask the question: What is the role of the Colombian lawyer in the digital environment from the impact generated by the pandemic of COVID 2019? By solving this question, we intend to benefit the community of professionals in the legal field in general, among which stand out teachers and students of law, who should reorient professional practice towards a new Legal-Digital framework. To be able to anticipate future dynamics and prepare professionals to face a new e-legal era. The ICT revolution has brought with it an important evolution in the professional field and being able to anticipate the challenges and trends that the role of the lawyer will face in the digital environment will encourage them to adopt better positions and perspectives for the new era of law. To address the problem, we first defined the role of the lawyer in Colombia before and after the year 2019, date in which one of the relevant events for humanity took place, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, observing its historical transformation, obtaining a retrospective view in time, for this we contrast the positions of several authors regarding the role of the lawyer in history, with more contemporary views on the changes resulting from technological development and how these have impacted the function and role of the lawyer. Subsequently, we set out to highlight the main changes that arose in the Colombian regulatory framework regarding the Role of the Lawyer in the digital environment before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying the relevant changes in the regulatory reference that have influenced the practice and/or performance of the university campus and legal professionals, detailing the main changes that took place with the introduction of the rules, highlighting the impact that derived from them in terms of the performance of the lawyer's role. In Colombia, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the need to promote and accelerate the introduction of communication technologies in the legal profession, in order to ensure timely access to justice and decongest the judicial apparatus in a suitable way, before this global event transitional measures were taken to give continuity to the processes and thus avoid a subsequent collapse in the judicial branch, hence the importance of the birth of the law 2213 of 2022, One of the most relevant regulatory changes in our concept, which allowed the implementation of information and communication technologies in judicial proceedings in the country, generating new challenges for the role of the lawyer, since there was a migration to a hybrid model that although it maintained some traditional schemes subject to orality and presentiality, it incorporated new forms of interaction through virtuality and digitalization of Colombian law, where the technological component is of utmost relevance. The role of the “classic lawyer” with a defensive, traditionalist and conservative profile has changed from being framed in the physical relationship, rhetoric and complex dialectics, attached to the norm, with a discreet or poor immersion in technologies, to a “Lawyer 4. 0", whose role is framed in creativity, cognitive flexibility and problem solving, whose social function oriented to the legal service packages both soft and hard skills, highlighting of these, the ability to communicate efficiently and to adhere to new technologies to optimize the performance of their functions. As a fundamental part of our project, we defined to interpret the perception of law students and professionals regarding the role of the lawyer in the new era of law in the framework of the e-legal, using two mechanisms of data collection, namely: the interview and the survey, techniques of data collection suitable for qualitative research. Finally, the professionals and law students who contributed to this research agreed that ICTs are “essential” tools for the role of the lawyer, not only from the academic perspective during their training, but also in the labor stage, becoming a barrier for those who do not incorporate these skills as a minimum requirement.
Palabras clave
Rol, Abogado, Entorno digital, Pandemia, COVID