Identificación de las condiciones laborales en el personal docente de una universidad con metodología de educación virtual y a distancia, a partir de la aplicación del modelo POTAM
Torres-Santos, Eduardo-Andrés
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Objetivo: Identificar las condiciones laborales de los docentes de una Universidad de Colombia con metodología de
educación virtual y a distancia, a partir de la aplicación del
modelo POTAM contenido en los elementos de los factores
humanos, con el fin de describir el contexto de trabajo que se
presenta en la educación no presencial.
Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional
descriptivo de corte transversal con 11 profesores que trabajan en una Universidad con metodología de educación virtual
y a distancia. El estudio se efectuó por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada, la observación directa que se realizó
a través de una lista de chequeo y por último la aplicación de
un instrumento de análisis ocupacional.
Resultados: Se analizaron las condiciones laborales del
Modelo POTAM que integran la interacción de las personas
con el ambiente, con las tareas, las maquinas o medios y las
otras personas.
Conclusiones: Las condiciones laborales de los docentes
de una Universidad de Colombia con metodología de trabajo virtual y a distancia, contienen riesgos ocupacionales que
pueden desencadenar enfermedades de tipo laboral. Por
otra parte, la ventaja de esta modalidad de enseñanza virtual radica en la facilidad de acceso desde cualquier sitio que
posibilita el manejo de tiempos para los docentes, lo que no
genera desgaste físico mayor como la educación presencial,
debido a que se puede trabajar a un propio ritmo.
Objective: To identify the working conditions of teachers of a University of Colombia with virtual and distance education methodology, based on the application of the POTAM model contained in the elements of human factors, in order to describe the work context presented in non-formal education. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted with 11 professors working in a University with virtual and distance education methodology. The study was carried out through a semi-structured interview, direct observation through a checklist and finally the application of an occupational analysis tool. Results: We analyzed the working conditions of the POTAM Model that integrate the interaction of people with the environment, with tasks, machines or media and other people. Conclusions: The working conditions of the teachers of a University of Colombia with virtual and distance working methodology, contain occupational risks that can trigger occupational diseases. On the other hand, the advantage of this virtual teaching modality lies in the ease of access from any site that makes it possible to manage time for teachers, which does not lead to greater physical wear and tear like face-toface education, because you can work at your own pace.
Objective: To identify the working conditions of teachers of a University of Colombia with virtual and distance education methodology, based on the application of the POTAM model contained in the elements of human factors, in order to describe the work context presented in non-formal education. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted with 11 professors working in a University with virtual and distance education methodology. The study was carried out through a semi-structured interview, direct observation through a checklist and finally the application of an occupational analysis tool. Results: We analyzed the working conditions of the POTAM Model that integrate the interaction of people with the environment, with tasks, machines or media and other people. Conclusions: The working conditions of the teachers of a University of Colombia with virtual and distance working methodology, contain occupational risks that can trigger occupational diseases. On the other hand, the advantage of this virtual teaching modality lies in the ease of access from any site that makes it possible to manage time for teachers, which does not lead to greater physical wear and tear like face-toface education, because you can work at your own pace.
Palabras clave
Educación virtual, Condiciones laborales, Factores humanos, Salud laboral, Virtual education, Working conditions, Human factors, Occupational health