Factores sociales, culturales y económicos asociados al consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes entre los 13-18 años del colegio Alejandro Obregón del distrito de Barranquilla año 2010
Ríos Arias, Bernarda
Vergara Torrenegra, Lida Isabel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivos: Identificar factores sociales, culturales y económicos asociados al consumo de alcohol en adolescentes de 13-18 años, colegio Alejandro obregón. Métodos: se realizo un estudio descriptivo, corte transversal. La población de estudio fueron los estudiantes de 13-18 años, estuvo conformada por 111 estudiantes. Obteniendo una muestra representativa de 45 adolescentes. Se empleo un cuestionario estructurado con variables cualitativa y cuantitativa de selección múltiple acerca del consumo de alcohol.
Resultados: En las variables socio-demográficas la edad prevalente de los adolescentes en estudio fue de13 a 15 años. Con este resultado se demostró que los jóvenes inician el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas a esta edad. Evidenciándose que el 82% de los jóvenes han consumido alguna vez alcohol. En relación con el sentimiento que los impulsa a consumir alcohol se demostró que el 73% lo hace por diversión. Conclusiones: Se identifico que los factores sociales son los que más intervienen en el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en los adolescentes. Por otro lado se evidencio que ellos buscan la compañía de sus amigos para sentirse bien, divertirse, combatir la apatía y aburrimiento.
Objectives: To identify social, cultural and economic factors related to alcohol use in adolescents ages 13-18, college Alejandro Obregon. Methods: We conducted a descriptive, cross-section. The study population consisted of students of 13-18 years, consisted of 111 students. Obtaining a representative sample of 45 adolescents. We used a structured questionnaire with qualitative and quantitative variables multiple choice about drinking alcohol. Results: The socio-demographic variables age prevalent among adolescents in the study was 13-to 15 years. This result showed that young people start consuming alcohol at this age. Evidenced that 82% of youth have ever used alcohol. In connection with the sentiment that drives them to consume alcohol was demonstrated that 73% do it for fun. Conclusions: We identified that social factors are the most involved in alcohol consumption among adolescents. On the other hand was evident that they seek the company of his friends to feel good, fun, fight apathy and boredom.
Objectives: To identify social, cultural and economic factors related to alcohol use in adolescents ages 13-18, college Alejandro Obregon. Methods: We conducted a descriptive, cross-section. The study population consisted of students of 13-18 years, consisted of 111 students. Obtaining a representative sample of 45 adolescents. We used a structured questionnaire with qualitative and quantitative variables multiple choice about drinking alcohol. Results: The socio-demographic variables age prevalent among adolescents in the study was 13-to 15 years. This result showed that young people start consuming alcohol at this age. Evidenced that 82% of youth have ever used alcohol. In connection with the sentiment that drives them to consume alcohol was demonstrated that 73% do it for fun. Conclusions: We identified that social factors are the most involved in alcohol consumption among adolescents. On the other hand was evident that they seek the company of his friends to feel good, fun, fight apathy and boredom.
Palabras clave
Consumo de alcohol, Factores sociales, Culturales, Adolescentes