Nonintegrability of the Armbruster-Guckenheimer-Kim Quartic Hamiltonian Through Morales-Ramis Theory

dc.contributor.authorAcosta-Humánez, P.
dc.contributor.authorAlvarez-Ramírez, M.
dc.contributor.authorStuchi, T.J.
dc.description.abstractWe show the nonintegrability of the three-parameter Armburster--Guckenheimer--Kim quartic Hamiltonian using Morales--Ramis theory, with the exception of the three already known integrable cases. We use Poincaré sections to illustrate the breakdown of regular motion for some parameter
dc.publisherSociedad de Matemática Industrial y Aplicadaspa
dc.rights.licenseLicencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacionalspa
dc.sourceVol. 17, No.1 (2018)eng
dc.sourceRevista SIAMspa
dc.subjectIntegrability of dynamical systemseng
dc.subjectDiferential Galois theoryeng
dc.subjectLegendre equationeng
dc.subjectSchrodinger equationeng
dc.titleNonintegrability of the Armbruster-Guckenheimer-Kim Quartic Hamiltonian Through Morales-Ramis Theoryeng
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