Programa para la promoción de la convivencia pacífica en aula de las escuelas de la zona rural del municipio de Chinácota
Barrera Villamizar, Francy Leonilde
Botia Ramon, Yenny Tatiana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente proyecto tiene por objetivo general promover la convivencia pacífica en aula de las escuelas de la zona rural del municipio de Chinácota a partir de la intervención desde el trabajo social para la optimización de los procesos educativos en el aula. Para ello se realizó la identificación de las problemáticas y magnitud de las mismas en las estas instituciones que forman parte de 3 centros educativos que las reúnen. Se plantean tres estrategias sobre las cuales se describen y desarrollan actividades tendientes a dar solución en el corto, mediano y largo plazo, a la conflictividad y el manejo que estas instituciones educativas proporcionan a su población
The general objective of this project is to promote peaceful coexistence in the classroom of schools in the rural area of the municipality of Chinácota based on intervention from social work to optimize educational processes in the classroom. For this, the identification of the problems and their magnitude was carried out in the institutions that are part of the 3 educational centers that they meet. Three strategies are proposed on the questions that are described and the activities tending to the solution in the short, medium and long term are developed, to the conflict and the management that these educational institutions offer to their population.
The general objective of this project is to promote peaceful coexistence in the classroom of schools in the rural area of the municipality of Chinácota based on intervention from social work to optimize educational processes in the classroom. For this, the identification of the problems and their magnitude was carried out in the institutions that are part of the 3 educational centers that they meet. Three strategies are proposed on the questions that are described and the activities tending to the solution in the short, medium and long term are developed, to the conflict and the management that these educational institutions offer to their population.
Palabras clave
Resolución de conflictos, Convivencia escolar, Comunicación, Mediación, Conflict Resolution, School coexistence, Communication, Mediation